
instead of being angry, Elrod appears to just want to know if her scammer ever really loved her.

She just wants to know if it was always a scam.

I've learned the best way to loan money is to not consider it a loan - consider it a gift and only give the amount of money you'd be willing to/can afford to give without getting it back. That way if you don't get it back - whatever it was a gift - but if you do get it back it's just a nice bonus

I don’t understand being this desperate for attention. The day I realized nobody gave a fuck what I did as long as I wasn’t poisoning the reservoirs or running people over was the most liberating of my life.

What’s the opposite of crashing that wedding? I’m going to do whatever that is.

It’s probably getting drunk by myself, which I was going to do anyway.

People, stop trying to be interesting. You are, in fact, very, very boring.

I hope someone posts this announcement at the local soup kitchen/food bank. Put those overpriced cheese and meat platters to good use.

Looking at the Facebook page it looks like a marketing event for the mall and a lot of stuff appears to be sponsored by different shops in the mall.

They clearly have no idea why people actually crash weddings.

No open bar? Why would I crash that wedding?

I’m all for this type of reception if it means that 1,600 hungry/homeless people get a hot meal on the evening of October 10th. That sounds like an awesome way to share your wedded joy with your community and do something literally, actually, tangibly good.

I’m halfway torn between “this has got to be a hoax/some sort of publicity stunt because nobody could be this oblivious” and “it’s amazing how easily people believe their own bullshit when they’re blinded by the dollar signs in their eyes.”

People get really attached to their ideas, but I tend to agree with you; doubling down on this in such a tone-deaf way sort of lends credibility to the hoax theory.

So they don’t think that the internet is an endless torrent of anonymous hate streaming from behind a billion computer screens, even while they are bombarded by anonymous hate sent from a billion computer screens.

I agree with that sentiment, though. If I desired children, I’d absolutely prefer that my daughter turned out like the Obamas over the Kardashians.

I think it’s the fact that the Kardashians are inconsequential and yet have been elevated to their current status by the masses that makes people upset. It makes me upset. If the masses find these assholes even mildly entertaining, then the masses have a laughably, pathetically low intellectual stimulation threshold.

Dynamic First Lady and caring mother vs. Pimp Mama. There it is.

Negotiating nude photo rights vs. negotiating College acceptance deadlines?

Where the hell else are we going to get bad ideas for sex acts delivered with that much alliteration? “Thirty-Six Ways to Drive Your Man WILD” doesn’t fucking write itself, you know.

It may not be fair, the nature of LA being what it is, and the latter’s elder sisters serving as precedents (rather than the homophone), and being that I recall what it’s like to be a strong-minded 17 year old and so forth...yet still I could not resist dusting this off.