
I’m halfway torn between “this has got to be a hoax/some sort of publicity stunt because nobody could be this oblivious” and “it’s amazing how easily people believe their own bullshit when they’re blinded by the dollar signs in their eyes.”

People get really attached to their ideas, but I tend to agree with you; doubling down on this in such a tone-deaf way sort of lends credibility to the hoax theory.

So they don’t think that the internet is an endless torrent of anonymous hate streaming from behind a billion computer screens, even while they are bombarded by anonymous hate sent from a billion computer screens.

God, it must really be awful for those creators to have a bunch of people on the internet making assumptions about their intentions and criticizing them publicly. Good thing it’s only on twitter though, imagine if there was a whole app, just for that!

I agree with that sentiment, though. If I desired children, I’d absolutely prefer that my daughter turned out like the Obamas over the Kardashians.

I think it’s the fact that the Kardashians are inconsequential and yet have been elevated to their current status by the masses that makes people upset. It makes me upset. If the masses find these assholes even mildly entertaining, then the masses have a laughably, pathetically low intellectual stimulation threshold.

Dynamic First Lady and caring mother vs. Pimp Mama. There it is.

Negotiating nude photo rights vs. negotiating College acceptance deadlines?

Where the hell else are we going to get bad ideas for sex acts delivered with that much alliteration? “Thirty-Six Ways to Drive Your Man WILD” doesn’t fucking write itself, you know.

It may not be fair, the nature of LA being what it is, and the latter’s elder sisters serving as precedents (rather than the homophone), and being that I recall what it’s like to be a strong-minded 17 year old and so forth...yet still I could not resist dusting this off.

I don’t know how to do what he does so that more than likely makes me the idiot. There is a difference between having highly specialized intelligence and emotional intelligence. I think the environment he works in is ridiculous and is a culture of constant self-congratulation that rewards juvenile selfishness and

Because they think they are necessary and people who can’t do what they do are not. Receiving endless perks and groupthink training reinforces their worldview.

You think there’s that many bus drivers good to go right now? Driving a bus isn’t like driving a car after all. What if they unionize too? But hey, enjoy the bottom of the crab pot I guess.

I wonder why you guys think it would be so easy to replace trained bus drivers so easily and quickly. How the hell would any of you know?

Those figures in the Examiner article aren’t exactly right. They’re before a wage increase signed July 2014, and also don’t reflect the actual overtime.

Don’t your son-in-law understand that in the near future computers will learn, even adapt their programming to their users’ demands and will put a lot of those low up to middle tech level people out of a job? Lots of jobs will be automated.

So, since you are powerless to improve your circumstances, you are against anybody else doing so.

The difference is definitely huge, because only people with high salaries can afford to live in San Francisco. The bus drivers who aren’t living in their cars commute an hour or more. Those buses are specifically for driving rich techies from their high-priced San Francisco homes to their Silicon Valley jobs.

Related- please do not help spread the rumor that he was targeting Christians. While he did ask his victims if they were Christians before killing them, he killed them no matter what their answer was.