

I met Steven Spielberg once in a deli in Manhattan, so clearly I’m the truest Jew to ever Jew.

What kills me about this is that a lot of evangelicals do not think Catholics are real Christians.

The thing that drives me batshit crazy about this whole thing is that Apostolic Christians don’t believe that Catholics are real Christians! Why is she so excited to meet the head of the Catholic Church if she believes Catholics are going to hell?! (Answer: Because she’s an attention whore.)

Note: I am in no way defending either the letter writer or the responder from Uexpress. I think we can all agree they are both shitty people.

These women are doing no such thing. They’re using the sexual elements of their breasts to make money. I don’t even come from a puritanical country and think the display is crass and sexual. Breasts are sexual. Yes, their primary purpose is to feed infants but they are also viewed as sexual by HUGE swathes of the

I hope he gets rated honestly on Peeple by all his acquaintances.

Guests were shaken down for minimum gifts of $5,000

Perhaps it’s thinking, “Lady, have you ever considered my name may not be ‘Bear’??

This can’t be real. Can it? Nobody is this tone deaf/special snowflake entitlement weeping gif, are they?

Between diving with sharks and chasing tornadoes I think some white people have a predisposition for doing crazy shit. If that had been me, I would have ran fast and given the bear the paddles for the kayak as it is his/hers now.

They’ve gone snowblind from the light reflected on their white peers and white, white reflection. Do not despair, they can be cured by ectomy of head out of ass and replantation.

OH MY GOD you guys. They’ve posted a STATEMENT. It’s amazing:

“Can I take myself off Peeple?”

I was thinking to myself what sort of deeply disturbed person “is trying to find a babysitter who I can trust” but seems so socially inhibited as to be incapable of speaking to their neighbours.

Is it time that we started treating straight, white, and conventionally attractive as a disability? It’s like they exist in a world of fantasies and society validates them.

This also sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

“As two empathetic, female entrepreneurs...”

They’re conventionally attractive white blonde women so.

These guys don’t sound empathetic. They sound like people who have never met a troll, been fat shamed, or otherwise bullied.