
No, she should live the rest of her life in a cell with a toilet, sink and 3 barely palatable meals a day. That would still be way, way more comfortable than how the auschwitz prisoners spent their last days.

Stop smearing orange seasoning all over your face when you eat them. Problem solved.

I don’t really see how you being a Jewish convert has any bearing how you should feel about the Holocaust. Any person would feel horrified to the core by this event, I don’t get whether you being a Jewish convert gives you more of a stake? I’m sure you know that Jews were persecuted for their ethnicity moreso than

*raises hand*
I have full body inflammation! My c-reactive protein showed me this just last week, and you are absolutely correct about its use as a test and diagnostic.

Spoilers: I have lupus, not death via avocados, which are gifts from baby jesus.

Bing bing bing! That’s all I’m hearing, too— “inflammation” sounds juuuust like “toxins”. It’s redlining my bullshit detector something awful.

Ughhhhhh you’re so right, inflammation is the new toxins. And that’s the other thing that annoys me about this- doctors know about inflammation! They’re pretty good at detecting it, and for a lot of stuff, decent at treating it! If people were really walking around with significant enough inflammation that it was

And generalized “inflammation” sounds like generalized “toxins” to me. I have some periodic inflammation, but it tends to hit specific areas of my body at specific times of year. I’m also allergic to many tree pollens, super-allergic to grasses, allergic to a lot of weeds, and allergic to molds, and I live in the

Oh, My God. This guy.

Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck. - Joss Whedon

“I don’t think ...” that’s her most honest statement to date

I feel really sad that … someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper. I mean, there’s just so much more to life than that.

“I’m just being me.”

Under the cloak of internet anonymity, I am 100% willing to start the rumor that she simulated a sex act with a dead pig, as it seems that’s the only kind of thing that really hurts people’s images anymore.

Am I a bad person because I can’t help but wish a lot of ill and harm would befall this horrible woman? I mean, I don’t wish her death, but I’d be fine if she were stuck with alopecia that would make all her hair fall out, or maybe some good ole fashioned boils and suppurating pustules about the face.

I feel really sad that … someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper.

The latter.

Even if the incident hadn’t been forgotten it would have been forgiven, and his movies would still make boatloads of cash in the US. See also Woody Allen.

That’s the thing that blows my mind. Had he not run and just done the time then, it would be forgotten by 99% of people.

If he had just did the time most people would have forgotten about it by now.

42 days in prison seems like a fair trade for drugging and raping a 13 year old. /s