
Right? Shouldn’t the main women you should be worried about hurting or upsetting be the ones who you disclosed intimate details about in really disrespectful and dehumanizing ways? Like the woman you raped at the fucking hospital of all places and then laughed about?

You also have to continue to be sexually available but not want to be monogamous, in the definition that you will not be banging anyone else but don’t mind if he does.

Heheee, I have said both! My ex-husband really WAS Damaged Goods— I mean, that guy didn’t just have ‘Issues’, he had entire subscriptions, so that is really the only way to describe him. And he sure did have daddy issues, but I have also dated men with mommy issues too (what can I say, I have loved well but not wisely

I’d put both their Ds in my V.

In your mind, they’re smooth operators. To those of us that don’t hate and fear women, they’re misogynistic assholes that deal with their issues by hating on the women who are willing to have sex with them.

This isn’t even about casual sex! These two assholes were feigning interest in women, who were genuinely interested in the way they presented themselves, just so they could lure them into bed. Casual sex can be great when both parties are upfront about their intentions and mutually agree on no-strings-attached sex.

That’s actually less offensive than I imagined, thanks.

You say “smooth operators”, I say “sexual predators”. No, no one is mad that women had sex with them; they’re mad that these assholes were predating their community while appearing to be upstanding members of it.

God I fucking hate when men say this. It seems to be a trope of sorts. The reformed man about town has a daughter and suddenly realizes GASP women are human beings.

And hark at him referring to a sexual partner as ‘damaged goods’ whereas he is nobly struggling with insecurities.

Of all of the douchebaggery involved in this (aside from the fucking RAPE) that specific phrase was what did me in. I know a blood vessel popped somewhere in my head when I read that.

and recently she’s realized I don’t enjoy her company and we’ve mutually parted ways

We didn’t always say nice things, and sometimes we were downright mean. Sometimes I just vented about frustrating experiences in an immature, hateful, and foolish way. It was in particular a breach of trust to post intimate details about lovers. I was naive enough to think it’d stay anonymous, and I was wrong.

Why do people end up with terrible bosses when they came off so great at the job interview?

Because when a guy is nice to you when he meets you, treats you nicely on a first date, then a second date, sleeping with him feels like taking an honest step forward in a burgeoning relationship. It takes awhile to get to know a person, realize they’re selfish, unwilling to be your partner, and are only ever “nice”

I really don’t want to know what a “plate” is, do I?

(the tagline of which is “Putting sweet D in the tender V since 2013”)

I am trying to have a baby right now and this is the kind of thing that makes me terrified of having a boy. Because these guys seem like the type where their mothers had no idea they had raised such misogynistic little shits and are now probably mortified. It is a tall order to raise a good man in this world.

Most of my life I’ve struggled with insecurities around dating.

Anyone who uses phrases like “Save A Ho” deserves to be suffocated in their own coffee grounds. That whole entry was puke-worthy.