
It really means that he looks 45 and desperate. Like, he is the 45 year old dude in the Ed Hardy t-shirts. That is what people mean when they say “You look 22” - “You are trying to look 22, and it is so sad”.

Now, now, you are obviously lying bc everyone knows that all women get hundreds of messages a week and the reason you don’t respond to dick pics is that you just have so many to go through that it’s easy to overlook one.

Oh, I hate those. “I’m 45, but people tell me I look 22!” Er, no, you look 45.

Exactly. There aren't enough young women for everyone. Also - young women want to fuck young men.

When one of my friends was complaining about getting messages from much older guys with the old “age is just a number” line, I told her to ask them if that was true, then why aren’t they hitting on women 20 years older? When the inevitable “ewww” was the response, she said, “Now you know how I feel when I get a

Bet he says “people tell me I look 25” also.

So, what we’re saying here is that, by and large, men are unrealistic in their expectations. Women are less so.


I don’t think your average 22 year old is into 50 year old men. Actually, I’m sure they’re not.

As a man in his 40s, who is around younger women a great deal — I’m a university instructor/PhD student — I can both attest to the male tendency to desire young women and offer, I hope, a glimpse of men (some men) who really don’t seek out much younger women. I’m aware that in this forum, any approach to positioning

It's men's ideal age for a date, those they consider the most attractive. Deep down they probably know they'll have to settle for someone born within their own decade

I don’t get it either. Go ahead, look all you want, dream a little, but keep at least one foot in reality, please.

Back in the day, before internet dating sites, I often was asked out by dudes who were older than my father. It was more creepy than flattering. The dynamic never made sense to me.

Fast-forward twenty-odd

Twenty something year olds I AM SO SORRY that old dudes are contacting you. Eew, you have to deal with that. I’m in my mid thirties and NO ONE is contacting me. It’s great spending Saturday nights shampooing my cat. I got her tropical breeze shampoo so when she sits on my chest while I watch netflix it’s ALMOST like

I think that most of people that want someone decades younger want a trophy, not a relationship.

Yeah, can you imagine dating a 55-year old? I went on dates with men in their early 30s sometimes when I was 22 or 23 and sometimes, even then, the age difference was noticeable because they had been operating in the adult world for so much longer than I had and we had really different touchstones/cultural memories. I

I wish men would look at that graph and realize that even if they want young women, they can’t have them.

These charts have been floating around the interwebs for a while now, but my reaction’s still this.

I can enjoying looking at a guy younger than me but there is such a gap in age and experience it wouldn't work.

This is depressing.

And when I want to read Jezebel, I don’t want to be served with comments written by assholes. I can get that anywhere else on the internet.