
Right? There’s no way this is one of those happy offices where everyone brings in cookies and sells their kids’ soccer team candy bars and they all go have a margarita at Fridays after work. I would imagine a lot of “BEGONE FROM THE THREE HOLE PUNCH, SATAN,” and, “LYNETTA, I TOLD YOU LEVITICUS SAYS SNICKERDOODLES ARE

In court it came out the deputy clerks agreed without hesitation with giving licenses but were unable to do so because of this woman, that’s why none of them were held in contempt.

Rosa Parks was specifically chosen by the NAACP as the face of their cause because of her intelligence and unimpeachable character. It seems like Kim Davis was chosen by the far right because of the opposite qualities. So, good call.

She's the anti Rosa Parks.

I just....I can’t help but wonder if this has all spiralled out of this woman’s control and she’s being egged on by a cabal of Evangelicals. I can’t comprehend the zeal to fuck over people who are hurting no one.

I’m so disgusted with this woman. She just won’t stop pissing on people’s rights and does deserve to go back to jail for violating the court orders. Kentucky needs to remove this woman from office and replace her with someone who will do their job.

Put her in jail. Enough of this bitch and her shit. She’s defying court orders left and right and being called a hero by idiots for trying to deny others the same right she fucking abuses.

Further proving this was never about her religious beliefs if she is altering forms that other people have signed. She hates gay people, period.

I mean, exactly. This is the weirdest story, ever. Did anything have traces of meth? Was the coffee maker tested for meth? Or did some guy just have some random reaction, and think: must be meth.

Yep. The first thing I think when I get sick on vacation...must be meth poisoning.

There’s probably a dead person floating in the hotel’s water supply. And maybe that person was on meth.

Dogs eat shit. They really like eating cat shit.

Two is the correct number. One is too few.

toesies to heaven!

This can be solved by investing in a good litter mat.

What is this “litter” you speak of?

I'm sorry you live with so little joy.

Or for elderly cats....I put a little stepstool next to my bed to make it easier for my zaftig and geriatric cat to hop up.

Also for aging pets. Says the woman who just put a step stool next to her bed for her 14-year-old tubby tabby.

Or...she could have just fallen in love with him and gotten married like any other person, and is now desperately hurt and confused as the fallout from his fascination with other women continues to affect their lives. She is a very successful woman in her own right and didn’t need to marry anyone for convenience. I