
It’s a matter of linguistic distinction. Lots of people use the words “racist” and “racism” to describe those people who want to support the systemic racism which exists in many countries (the US, Canada, Japan, most of Europe, etc) that treats minorities as second-class citizens to be subjugated and held down for the

It’s such an interesting discussion! Because it illustrates that race is a construct in a lot of ways, but not in the sense that Rachel Dolezal wants race to be a construct. This woman thought she was black, was raised in a black family, looked black, was identified as black by the people around her, lived her entire

This entire story is confusing. I think it’s far more likely that the officials handling the adoption did in fact know that the adoptive mother was Black. They simply listed her as White so she could adopt this mixed race baby who was listed as White on her birth certificate. I’m mixed Black/Irish and after reading

There is none. We all see color and have prejudices. What we do is acknowledge that and move past any uninformed biases. It’s basic kindergarten-use thw wizard brain; not the lizard brain.

Don’t invent non-human colored people to prove how not racist you are.

Or the “I don’t see color” people. Yes. Yes, you do.

Yep. Could be why she was given up for adoption. Can’t have no half black baby running around. All kinds of problems.

I hope you wax his nipples right the fuck off.

There were two guys at my old work who got waaaaay more interested in talking to me and hanging out around me and saying creepy ass things to me once I was showing in my first pregnancy. Things like “when MY wife was pregnant, we had some of the best sex ever.” Brrrrrr.

I am pretty positive that the kind of friends I’m looking to make don’t randomly creep women out on the street, good man.

Holy shit, you’re like so fucking progressive. “there’s nothing wrong with prostitution” - the idealism in that sentence is off the charts. I am not talking about the morality of prostitution. I’m referring to the everyday conditions that prostitutes find themselves in. Not all, but many are abused, exploited, and

Well, this will land you less jail time than when they instructed you on how to smuggle drugs into an airplane.

having sex with a girlfriend is the same as having sex w a prostitute???

I originally read this as “Butthurt Gays” and thought, what an oddly specific group to address.

this is misogynistic bullshit, many men worldwide are able to have sex because they - gasp! - have a relationship with a woman who wants to have sex with them (whether that relationship has existed for 2 hours or 20 years). women aren’t property, time with them doesn’t need to be bought.

In a disruptive economy, I think airbnj has a nice sound.

I know euphemisms are the preferred way to talk about damn near everything nowadays, but a person who has sex for money is a prostitute. (And that’s fine, as long as they’re choosing to be and aren’t being forced into it!)

I still think “Sex Worker” is a horrible job title. “Orgasm Technician” would be much better.

This needed to be published.....why?

Yep, being an Adequate Man is knowing how to gracefully pay for sex... this is fucking terrible