
and it happens within familys, I am half Dominican half Guatemalan, and people in the family make fun of others who are darker, both sides. I am light skinned as are my parents, my grandmother is darker, and my uncle even darker than her, and his kids darker than him. My father and one of his sisters are light, and

Remnants of Colonialism. Never doubt the weedlike persistence of racism and colonialism to travel down the timeline.

You lost me when you referred to it as “immigration policy.” When you suddenly declare a large number of your native-born citizens to be not citizens anymore, based on their ethnic background, it’s nothing to do with immigration. It’s... ethnic cleansing. Getting rid of everybody who belongs to a particular ethnic

I am a highly educated, incredibly literate dark-skinned Haitian-American lawyer who has family currently living both in P-a-P and in the countryside. I am fully aware of who DR’s president is currently and who has been president of DR over the last 15 years. Not to mention that I was at the inauguration of Haiti’s

Because other than a good vacation spot, the DR and Haiti have nothing to them really. No industry, no technology, no medicine. They are the North Dakota of the world, but with beaches and without the oil and gas.

You lost me when you missed the forest (the disenfranchisement and revoking of citizenship of Domician’s of a particular ethnic background) for the trees (worrying about what it’s being called like you’re a U.N. monitor and not some dumbass on a comment board).

Precisely. These people aren’t “migrants” any more than people of Italian or Greek or Polish descent in the US are “migrants.” They are legal Dominican citizens whose ancestors came from Haiti, and their citizenship is being revoked. They weren’t “illegal” before this law was passed. The DR has MADE them illegal in

And what would you call it? They revoked citizenship for any Haitian Dominican who had emigrated to DR after 1929. We aren’t talking about deporting illegal aliens here, we are talking about changing someone’s legalized citizenship status decades after the fact. They are systematically removing the “black” Haitian

Thank you for putting this article on Jezebel. This situation needs as much publicity as possible. Also, Haitian independence is January 1st, 1804, not 1803.

I’ll never understand the blatant racism in Latin America. In El Salvador (where my dad is from), most people are mixed with Spanish and Native American (Pipil, Lenca). Yet if you look more Native than Spanish, you’re discriminated against. Like “Oh yes, I’m brown, but he’s browner” kinda bullshit. :/

Thank you for this article! I think it can be hard on spaces like Jezebel to discuss racism where White folks are not the direct culprits. But it’s a very important discussion that needs to be had.

I read about this last week, and what I want to know is this: How the hell are we (the global community “we”) allowing this to happen? Is it because they’re black? It’s because they’re black, isn’t it?

Our new little foster kittens.Gertrude, Cora, Clarice and Fuscia. A bit of an eye infeection but that’ll be gone in a few days. They’re a fun bunch. Fuscia’s my favourite by far; she’s all wobbly and unsteady from an ear infection. If I didnt have my 5 I’d keep ‘em all.

We put sedatives in their milk bones. They may be a while.

This is a very good article Mark about very important topics.

Here is one of mine apparently posing for an oil painting.

Tom Cox, aka @mysadcat on Twitter, wrote several books about his cats, the first of which is great (I haven’t read the others, but I suspect they’re also great), and which is subtitled “Confessions of a Cat Man.” I don’t think the stigma is great, but cat men seem to feel it. I mean, according to many, to be a cat

Seriously! Or Lowes or Costco. COSTCO! How are they even allowed at Costco? They sell food for godsakes!

Amber Heard is a forgettable actress at best. She could literally be any blonde, mediocre actress in every role I have seen her in. Half the time I don’t even realize it was her until I check the imdb page.

I’m not with Amber Heard on this. You need to plan ahead and get the proper permits to travel with your pet. Sometimes there are quarantine laws. If she didn’t know that, fine, but there is no point in arguing or asking for special treatment. They have the resources to deal with a situation like this. She should quit