
There is. For some people. Not all.

Why are you making yourself exempt from the accepted rules of English grammar and syntax? It's hard to have a serious conversation about "why African Americans don't assimilate" with a person who is improvising his approach to the English language.

haha. “honest question”

Why do idiots like you pretend you’re asking something original? There are multitudes of books and blogs and speeches on the subject of everything you’re asking here. Quit being lazy and do your own damn homework. And I say that as a white woman, so shove it.

The American Culture of Success now largely relies on how much money and influence you’re born into. Horatio Alger was a long time ago-the ladder to upward mobility has been pulled up and put away.

Actually, the basics of having a convo include responding to the other person. You asked a question, I took the time to reply nicely, you came back at me with a non-sequitur. That’s not cool.

I’ll try to answer your questions as I feel they were presented (as a black American man):

Your “question” is the “answer” to the Jeopardy question: why do we still have racial inequality in 2015 in the USA? really don’t see any cultural perpendiculars between whites and Hispanics, between Chinese and Indian, the way you do between white and black? I don’t know where to start on this one except tell you to take a sociology class.

Do you want to know why black people seem to live a different experience than other minorities in America? I’ll give you a big hint: they were literally brought to this country as slaves to build this country for white people.

Are you actually asking why the descendants of slavery are somewhat different than the IT guy you know who moved from Pakistan ten years ago?

This wedding was already a shitshow; what kind of people are the bride and groom when they hear that several of their wedding guests have been injured in a gun incident and the gun is still out there and think “Yeah, so? When do we cut the cake?”

You are an object lesson in how stunted education in terms of a variety of historical understandings makes us, as a polity, impotent in dealing with questions of race. Either that or you’re trolling (“honest question” too often means “troll”).

You did not ask a question. You made an assertion (that black people, AS A GROUP, do not value education and success) and now you want someone to disprove it.

Your post was a really bad idea.

learn to spell, go take a sociology class, then realize you are not asking an honest question, you are just a brain washed fool.

My guess is that the Asian, Indian, Mexican communities etc, all went to the US for a better life. They, for the most part chose to go there. They went to open up stores, to work in firms and to build a future for their children. There was no stigma for them being Asian the way the US has a stigma for being Black.


Because almost none of those other minority groups you listed were brought to this country as slaves? Durrrrrrrr. I’m Indian. Literally every single Indian I know in America is here because they or their parents had a student visa to study to become an engineer or doctor. Not because they were ripped from their

First of all, your anecdotal experiences working with African American people (or Asian or Mexican or Pakistani people) do not translate to a trend among every African American community in the country. I’d strongly suggest you examine your reasons for thinking that it does.

So, we really need to put “no guns, please” on wedding invitations now?