
There was one comment asking about the BAC of the victims. The rest were critical of the cop, how lenient our laws are regarding DUI, etc.

This guy! Where is he now?

I’m convinced that “Dr. Benedict Breckeld” is in fact an elaborate piece of performance art by a Brooklyn artist.

You’re absolutely right about that. Trump told them a very pleasant lie which they should not have believed.

That low unemployment and rapid job growth is not evenly spread around though. The cities have benefitted for the most part. But if you go to the places that went overwhelmingly for Trump, they tend to be places with a lot of unemployment--those coal miners and factory workers hoping for their jobs back.

Er, we’ve had an exploitable underclass for many years. That isn’t a new thing that came about because of this administration. Has this administration made the stiuation even worse? Certainly.

Maybe we’re thinking of different things. Amentities I’m thinking of--museums, the symphony, live music/performance venues, public transportation, a variety of good restaurants. Philly has all that, if I remember correctly.

It’s cheaper than New York, has the amenities of a city and is a relatively short train ride from New York.

Was? Cunard still is a cruise line; the Queen Mary II is one of it’s ships. 

Diallo is a common last name in parts of Africa. It’s not as if she changed her name to say, Schicklgruber.

I doubt that the term “illegals” is what causes people to treat them as subhuman.

Actually, they recently raided some of those birth tourism motels here in California.

Using a fake name on the Internet is not a felony, what on earth are you on about?

You don’t know how wrong you are. Pigeons are magnificent birds who aided us in both world wars.

“I’m also not sure why the mother of a middle-aged son who had retired from the military and then signed up as a CIA mercenary is so angry with the head of the State Department. Seeing her talk at the Republican convention made it seem like her 18-year-old son was taken from her.”

Growing up in Jersey City in the late 1970's-1980's it was a staple in my house as well. We always put it on while we were opening presents, cooking, etc. on Christmas Day.

I pretty sure these people aren’t “Christian.” Trying to cheat an elderly widower out of his home is pretty much the antithesis of being a Christian.

Okay, fair enough.

Good point. I get the impression a lot of people don’t realize how large 1,000 cc’s is. The fact that silicone implants only go up to 800 tells you something.

I think you mean me being judgemental. Of course I wouldn’t say that to anyone’s face! That’s the thing about the internet—we all say stuff we would never, ever say publicly. And once again, the woman is not grotesque—those things she put in her chest are.