
I don’t think women’s bodies are grotesque. I *do* think some of the things women put in/ on their bodies are grotesque (Tupperware bowl looking implants, lip fillers, etc.)

Is a woman allowed to have an opinion on this? Because I agree with him, those humongous perfectly round implants look grotesque. Yes, women have the right to do that to themselves. And the rest of us have the right to say it looks terrible.

Seriously. I’m kind of a nerd about names and I read a board where birth announcements get posted.

Huh. I assumed Denim was one of the names, as I’ve seen it pop up surprisingly often in birth announcements. Denim Kakhi? Denim Taffeta?

5 is too young to be putting a child on a plane by himself.

I would welcome Romney with open arms right now. Hell, I’d welcome GWB at this point.

You know what would be really nice? If Jezebel stopped giving publicity to this useless pile of trash. Attention/publicity are the life blood of she and her equally disgusting family.

Interesting thing here (there’s no way you would have known this). His wife’s last name is Ruiz, but she isn’t Hispanic. She was adopted; her adoptive father was Puerto Rican. Her birth father was black, so yes for many people that means she’s black.

Google takes care of that for you. They have dentists and doctors come on site for clinics, they pick up your dry cleaning, etc.

Thanks, I’ll have to try those.

I like the Stila liquid lipstick; I don’t like the price. While it does stay in place longer than Colourpop’s $24 is a bit much for me. Is there anything good at a midway price point? Maybe $12 or so?

The tech companies whose employees have had the biggest negative impact on San Francisco (Google, Facebook, Apple, etc.) are not located in the city. They aren’t going to be paying these taxes.

They got her at a very bad angle. You can see the outline of her breast implant. :-(

All true.

I live in the Richmond and in the last year there have been two attacks on people out walking their dogs. They were just out walking when gangs of 10-12 raccoons attacked them.

Depends if they are rich or not.

Everyone knows why she’s famous—-she made a sex tape with Ray J.

I don’t think that was the implication here. This woman’s child has just been killed. *Most* people in that situation would not be coherent or well spoken, yet somehow this woman is. That’s noteworthy.

Does anyone have information about a GoFundMe or some way we can help out with funeral expenses?

Edited because he isn’t worth it.