
I’ve noticed (when watching men hit on other women) that a lot of men can’t or won’t “read the situation.”

Yes. She would have died from the lack of water long before she’d have starved. Most healthy adults can go for a couple of weeks without food. But one can only go around 3 days without water.

It’s not *really* about the seafood, as strange as that may sound. It’s about the biscuits, the baked potato and the Lobsterita. Their baked potato is hands down the best I’ve ever had. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Also, the biscuits, whose secret ingredient is crack, (that’s why they make you crazy).

Reading this was amazing. It’s like you live in a different, opposite universe than I do.

I hadn’t even thought this was an option for me, but it turns out it is. My fiance was born in Toronto, so we will have the option to leave if need be. I’d be really unhappy to leave my friends and family, but they way things are headed frightens me. It’s not just this election and Trump. It’s the lessening of

I’m going to disagree with you on Creed. The quality is not what it should be considering the price. I’m not saying their stuff is bad, but there are other companies with wonderful quality ( L’Artisan Parfumeur, Chanel) whose prices are not so ridiculous. Frankly, I think Creed perfumes are the equivalent of a Louis

“The curse is on me.” It’s so painful, it really does feel like I’ve been cursed.

Because adopting is so, so easy. Shut up you fool.

Thank you. :-)

Unfortunately, that’s what immediately came to mind. I have cousin who is the product of a rape. Her birth mother went to a party, someone put something in her drink, and she came to having been raped. She doesn’t know who the father is. My cousin is 14 now; she has no father listed on her birth certificate. (My aunt

A minor quibble. This isn’t a picture of women in everyday clothing, so it’s not really accurate to say their everyday fashions were boring and reserved. Those women are dressed to play golf, which women would have worn specific clothing (as pictured) to participate in.

That explains why I think those neighborhoods are fine—I’m old. “Suburban” is not a bad thing to me. If I were in my 20's and wanted to go out to trendy restaurants and bars a lot, I would probably not like the Sunset, Richmond or Excelsior. Luckily I’m 42, so I’m in to different things at this point in my life. I

Well, I don’t agree. But if tech bros, girls who work in social media marketing, etc. think that it should that’s perfectly fine.

Sadly, I believe you are correct. I take solace in the relative few ordinary people left—they are still there, but not in trendy places that tech people favor. The Richmond, Outer Sunset, Bayview, Excelsior—these areas have not been entirely invaded and taken over. Yet.

I am really happy to see this article. reported on this yesterday and today. It led to articles in the Washington Post, the Guardian and here. It’s probably mean spirited of me, but I like it that when people google his name now, the crap he wrote and the reaction to it is what will come up. Not his

Yes. When younger people commented on how much I liked to read, or how smart I was. A few years later and it was about my figure.

I had a similar experience. I went through puberty early and (I assume) looked older than I was. (But now I wonder: how much older could I have looked at 10 years old? 14? It was still wrong.)

I’ve got a question. I’ve never actually seen the whole movie, and this is the reason why. The descriptions of it repel me. Question: is this regrettable character also in the book the movie is based on? I was thinking of reading it.

I think you’re doing it right! Yes, she may resent you sometimes. But keeping her safe now is more important; she’ll have plenty of time when she’s older to look at all the wild stuff out here. Why would any child under 13 or so need unfettered access to the internet?

I found campylobacter to be effective as well.