
I feel you so much. I’m getting married in May and right now I’m really thankful for 1)my psychiatrist 2) Big Pharma (they do a lot of things wrong, but some things they get right. Like Klonopin.)

I think your approach is a good one. Have food that is good for you, get some exercise, but don’t deprive yourself of things you enjoy.

This is why I’m preparing for my upcoming wedding with a balanced, steady diet which includes fruits, vegetables and booze. You’ve got to keep your hand in.

“they look exactly the same- except maybe a little angrier or sadder from nutrient loss.”

Well, this sounds like a good idea for anyone without mobility issues:

I feel bad saying this, because I’m sure he’s a perfectly nice bunny. But I’d be scared to have that thing in my house. It just seems wrong somehow.

Yes! I was wondering when someone was going to bring some real hot sauce up into this. Also

Now playing

We are not taking the piss. There is actually a show by that name. Here is a clip from one of the episodes.

My fiance and I love that show—it’s just so terrible. The best/worst part is that sometimes the actual people involved show up and tell you (and everyone else watching including their friends and family) about the incident. Why would you ever do that?

It’s interesting that you should mention that. I learned about the Holocaust in school, but when I saw that display at the Holocaust museum, that was when it really hit home. When you learn about it in school, it’s always in term of numbers: 6 million Jewish people were killed—and 5 million others. Numbers don’t

There are places that can make it into a throw for your bed/sofa, or into teddy bears. Not kidding—I’m going to be getting my grandmothers’ fur coats when I go back to New Jersey next month and that’s what I’m planning on doing with them.

“I just want to draw attention to what is almost certainly the biggest feminist issue of this year in the western world.”

What if you don’t meet that person before you’re 30? I just turned 42 on Monday and I’m getting married (for the first time) in May. We are going to try to have a baby, but I’m aware that it’s unlikely at my age. That said, there really was no other option. My only other serious relationship was with someone who

“This event should get the same coverage as 9/11, the Paris Attacks, and the Charlie Hebdo attacks combined.”

Dumber than a bag of hair.

He gets a decoder ring though, right?

That was surprisingly disturbing. I feel almost as if this rat isn’t trying hard enough—this is NYC, people leave food trash all over the place.

Wow. I actually feel sad about this. Those subway ads (along with the graffitti on the subway cars) were part of my growing up years. Even though I live on the west coast now, I was always glad to see Dr. Zizmor’s face when I visited NYC. :-( Who can take his place?

This is my concern about making birth control pills available over the counter. What about women who have health conditions for which the pills are condraindicated? I see that pharmacists will be responsible for this, which is good, but there are plenty of people who don’t have regular doctors visits—people who may be

I can’t tell if this is serious or not. If you’re trolling, it’s pretty good—it sounds stupid but in a subtle, not blatant way.