
Is that baby very small (even for a newborn) or is it just that her breasts are so big?

My job is getting me down lately, but I feel slightly encouraged by this: I can say that, in nearly 7 years there, I have yet to come in to the bathroom to find someone has shit on the floor. That is terrible—where do you work, can you say? Because I’m going to be looking for another job, I’d like to know where to

I have always wrapped mine in some toilet paper. You eventually get a feel for how much to use so it doesn’t bleed through. If there is other trash in the can I try to put them underneath it.

Except that most followers of any religion don’t go out and shoot a bunch of people. So just saying “religion” might be cute to you, but it’s not an answer. It is very interesting that this was a married couple and he recently returned from Saudi Arabia and she was from there. The Saudi government has given free rein

This is good to know. When I heard he had been charged with first degree murder, I groaned because I knew he’d never be convicted, since a conviction requires premediation. Good to know that in Illinois it actually doesn’t.

I think your bigotry, racism, whatever you want to call it, has actually damaged your brain. I’m not being facetious or trying to mess withyou here. Your desire to excuse this officers actions is inexplicable. I have seen that video and I assume you have as well. But what you’re saying here is quite frankly, not true.

Yes, and that is equally as foul.

You mistunderstood, I’m not offended. I was asking why didn’t you do a pinterest, but why you didn’t do this one like this:

Why don’t you? I’d love to see that. I’m on Pinterest (someone suggested it when I was trying to convey what kind of ring I wanted to my now fiance. He doesn’t know anything about jewelry.) But now I’ve made new boards for things that are meaningful to me.

Kaiser?! In that case, I’ll keep praying.

Edited because sig-a-saw-us-wrecks said it better. Seconding his opinion that you’re being insufferable. Also, you completely missed the point and got hung up on one word.

When these “cheated with the nanny stories come up” I’m always amazed that the couple chose these young girls. I’d want an older woman, who had raised kids of her own, you know someone who hasfirst hand experience with what she’s supposed to be doing. That said, the cynical part of me says they probably pay the young

That’s rather rude of you. The person you are responding too did not say anything dismissive of the author’s mothers’ experience. She shared the experience of one her relatives, period. If you read the comments here, or if you know anything basic about nuns, you will know that not all orders are the same.

I think my eyebrows just hit my hairline.

Just happy coincidence.

Shut your mouth! (just kidding) Sweet potato pie is a staple holiday (and many other days if you’re lucky) in many black households. Where many white families have pumpkin pie, we have sweet potato. I hope this doesn’t sound racist or anything, it’s just my experience.

Good. As long as you’re around, I doubt anyone will try any mess with your daughter. Your mothers’s attitude is disgusting.

“In trial, Fogle reportedly sobbed as he recounted how he’d hurt his family and his wife, who would be a single mother should he go to prison.

Well, at least we can be reasonably sure you won’t be reproducing, right?

Seriously? Are you really asking why seriosly, sometimes terminally ill children should get this one request? Ina Garten is a f*cking animal for turning that down. A sick kid for Christ’s sake!