
Ugh, this makes me twitch when I see it. And I’ve seen it on Gawker more than once. It makes me feel sad—have our school systems gotten that bad? I mean, English has many words borrowed from other languages. How is it that so many people no longer understand how to spell those words.

+2 for meetup. I saw some good museum shows, got some exercise and unexpectedly met my fiance. When you’re at an age where most of your friends are already married and have kids and not available to go out, meetup is really great. You get to meet other people in the same boat (one of my groups was explicitly for

My experience was the opposite—Match was a dead loss, but OKCupid worked to an extent.

I feel sorry for the children who go there.

Please tell me you dumped the last one. Because that is a huge red flag.

Speak for yourself. I don’t find for example, James Deen, (someone mentioned him in this thread) to be admirable either. But it’s a good comparison. IIRC, he’s also famous because of an unusually large body part. But he’s made more than one porn movie.

But Kim is a bimbo. She’s a shallow, materialistic, not very smart woman who has made a fortune by 1) being in a porn video 2) having a big ass and 3)marrying someone famous. Call a spade a spade. What would you call her?

No, it’s not irrelevant. There are regulations about properly disposing of dead animals. I’m pretty sure just putting them in the dumpster behind your apartment complex is not an approved method.

Zola is the Donald Goines of the 21st century. Whether this is true or not, she needs to write a series of pimp/hoe themed books.

Handy Hint for the day: If you sleep with someone and they give you a disease, this person is probably not the one for you. Avoid sleeping with them again.

He’s a fucking animal, he really is. Her anxiety and depression are probably caused by being married to him, not the car accident. I hope she can extricate herself from this abusive situation and leave the walking, talking piece of trash she is married to behind.

Is this actually news? When I was growing up (late 1970’s and 1980’s) my mother didn’t allow us tp eat processed meats—no bacon, hotdogs, bologna, salami, etc. She knew then they were unhealthy but she had no special knowledge that wasn’t available to the average person. Of course she meant well, but one of the

He’s had a stroke, right? I am going to keep believing this, because the things he’s reported as saying are just too depressing.

“My extremely Catholic friend who is the mother of the child also confirmed the whole thing was very confusing to her and not remotely like baptism she’s been to, nor is it what she requested.”

Eeew. That’s nasty. Who wants their father to know about the state of their sex life? Or lack of it. I feel kind of dirty after reading this.

I wish I hadn’t read this. A few weeks ago, one of my co-workers bought an assortment of foreign candies in to work, including those salty licorice ones. Just reading this has caused me to remember that experience. I feel nauseous now.

I think I’ve been living in San Francisco too long. I read that and didn’t understand why you thought it was remarkable. Some places here have been known to charge $100 during Giants games.

There are a lot of us here. I have RA too; I’m taking Humira and methotrexate. Plus prednisone, but I’m trying to get off of that. Unfortunately, I had a flare up recently and had to increase it. :-( I took Enbrel for 7 years, but then it stopped working.

You are a saint for not killing him on the spot.

Reading this, it struck me—you almost never hear of women being spree killers. Actually, I can’t think of even one. Yet spree killings committed by men have become an almost common occurence. And often, they are men who complain of being rejected by women and are angry about it. Yet, women who experience the same