
Wanting to be paid enough not to be living out of your car is hardly insane.

“ he is uninterested in anything or anyone that doesn’t adhere to the tenets of the world he lives in. He works for a company that thinks it is a force for good in the world and rejects any evidence to the contrary.’

I didn’t know it was supposed to save calories. I did it so I wouldn’t have grease dripping down my arm when I at it. So I’m going to continue to do it, since I still don’t want grease dripping down my arm. (I live in San Francisco, and necessarily rarely eat pizza, as we have limited good pizza here. Going back east

Actually, no I wouldn’t be insulted. I would find it strange and wonder why. But I’d probably chalk it up to absentmindedness or having a lot of heavy stuff going on in their life. (My own brother and his fiancee entirely forgot to do a registry. Just clean forgot, having so many other details to deal with.) So I can

The New York MTA’s uniforms are made with prison labor as well. Specifically at Clinton prison, where those two convicts escaped earlier this year.

I’ll have ten years on you when I get married in May, so much for “too old.” My grandmother got married for the second time at 60—and someone up above posted a picture of a couple who are probably older still.

That’s what we’re doing at my wedding. My fiance’s parents wanted to have a cash bar because some of their family are alcoholics; they thought if we offered unlimited free booze they’d get drunk and misbehave. I couldn’t do it. A lot of my people are flying in from other places—NY, NJ, DC, etc. I’m going to ask them

To show forgiveness to sinners, the same way he went to the prison? That’s all I got.

No. You are *so* wrong about this that there are not enough ‘no’’s in existence to convey how wrong you are. No one owes you a gift. It’s a gift.

Good Lord, these people sound like a bunch of animals. Making grandma cry is one of those things that puts you closer to the front of the line into Hell.

I’m from the East Coast, lived in NJ the first 31 years of my life. I never heard of anyone doing this. Ever. Among the people I knew, that would be tacky as hell, on the same level as having a cash bar at your wedding, which you just don’t do.

Edited because I didn’t read far enough.

“One 24-year-old woman told me that her boyfriend broke up with her because ‘he told me that I wasn’t girlfriend material because I had been with 10 guys,”

I’m glad you said it. I’ve been struggling with this. When I see a picture of her or read something she said...I feel like, won’t someone just strangle her already and end this? And then I feel like a terrible person.

Oh! I’m glad you told me this—I’ll tell my rheumatologist right away and we can stop the Humira, methotrexate and prednisone.

Yay! I hope they go out of business.

It’s not from a movie, it’s from an Eddie Murphy stand up bit.

What’s wrong with that? I don’t see anything wrong here.

It’s the biscuits, you can’t blame me, it was all for the biscuits.

Jeez dude, where do you live? Because if *all* the women you’re trying to date are as you described, damn, maybe you need to move.