
Depends. If you want to do, do it. If you don’t, don’t. I’m getting married next May and I’m not doing it; I’m going to save my bouquet, dry it and keep it.

“What’s worse is that I tend to gravitate to a certain demographic that just about every other guy out there seems to be attracted to as well and it all seems to boil down to a few things. How much money you make, what kind of car you drive, renting or a home owner.”

Yes, why are there two separate maps for ‘Baptists’ and ‘Protestants.’ Baptists *are* Protestants.

Well, for some people it is. Not everyone has a great job. As another poster pointed out, 1/3 of Americans haven’t been to college. Some of us, like myself, never thought we would get married. When you are fat, black and have a poorly paid job, men are not exactly lining up to date you. I’m proud of myself for trying

“You are not owed a gift. Ever. For any occasion.

This sounds like a fabulous idea!

Exactly. I’m from New Jersey—people have registries, but I usually just give cash (or check). That seems to be just how people do it there. I’m living in San Francisco now, and getting married next year. We’ll have a registry with things we would like (some new sheets, towels, maybe some pyrex storage bowls). If

Absolutely. Go real or go home. Assuming you’ve got some Scottish ancestry, do a little research and get a proper kilt.

Aah! I actually physically recoiled when I saw that picture. An unfortunately large number of men here wear those. And they are so terribly, awfully hideous. Not as bad as those individual toe shoes (shudder) but nearly as bad. I have one friend who only wears those Keen shoes and I’m torn on whether to say something

You absolutely could. There are plenty of library school grads who need jobs, if you were offering decent money I don’t see why you couldn’t get one to do that.

Good for her. After being married to that cretin for so many years, and dealing with his betrayal, it's nice to see her having a new start with a new man.

If I remember correctly, he divorced her (obviously) and moved to Alaska with the kids.

This is one of the things that frightens me about the idea of having children. If I found out someone had done this to one of them, I think I’d lose my mind and kill that person. Just absolutely uncontrolled rage.

“Also, for the first time ever, viewers will meet their two teenage daughters, Audrey and Georgia, who are now older than Vili was when he conceived them.

No one has *told* you they were upset by you putting your bank information in the invitation. Most people probably wouldn't. That doesn't mean they thought it was okay. If someone sent me a wedding invitation like that, of course I wouldn't say it looked tacky. I'd be thinking it though.

"We put slips with bank info into the envelope that contained the invitation."

You should always get two cats, especially if you're going for a kitten. One kitten left alone all day will destroy your furniture. Two kittens will fight/play with each other at least part of the time and your furniture will not be completely destroyed.

Gato Negro (merlot) was the house wine at my last long term apartment. My roommates and I always had a bottle or two around. Excellent choice.

That's what so great about it—you know these two people have monster egos to do something like that. I mean...Bollywood dancing/helicopter/ Mercedes Benz/ pretending to be a rap star in your save the date video is just so over the top. This is not a marriage that will last and the divorce will no doubt be drama

No, I don't either but that video is hysterical. Well, I thought it was—the over the top ridiculousness of it set it ahead of the hipster try hards for me. That was too cutesy for my taste.