
A few years back, I was witness to a proposal at church. If this had been a small church that both families had belonged to for years I could maybe see it being okay.

The $20 wasn't just for train fare-that was less than $20. But you could get a cup of coffee and a doughnut too. I was coming from/going to Morristown, it may have been farther out than where you were-I remember the round trip ticket being $14, but that may have been later when I moved back home after ccollege.

I think a more accurate comparison would be Rita Hayworth aka Margarita Cansino. Her natural hair had a widow's peak, which the powers that be at the studio thought looked "too ethnic." Their solution? Electrolysis! They have improved the process, but at the time it was quite painful.

For a minute there, I thought you were talking about the Port Authority. You're talking about the new WTC thing, right?

"Mom & Pop would check before we left to make sure we'd split up our cash in enough separate places— some in the left sock, some in the pocket, some in the wallet, some in the right shoe— so that if we got mugged, we'd still have enough to get home. Good times!"

Who told them that was a good idea?! That is just...awe inspiring in it's awfulness. I'll just pretend it's a whale spine, that's the ticket. A beautiful whale spine.

When I read that I was like "Really?" In what universe are most of the Cosby kids light skinned? As you say, Rudy, Theo and Vanessa were brown skinned. Denise and Olivia? (I think that was her name) were light skinned.

I love her name! Some will say it's an old lady name, but hopefully she will be an old lady someday. Good luck to her, her dad and her mom.

Yes, that viewpoint is particularly American. In many other countries children live with their parents until marriage. Or the children may move back in if the parents are elderly or in ill health. I have a good opinion of someone who is willing to give up some things in life in order to take care of his or her

These are the same people who have a black friend—that guy in accounting they talk to at the water cooler occasionally.

So it will work if the men are creeps, but not the women? Okay...

I'm sorry, I've got to disagree. Even if you use a condom every time, your risk of contracting disease still goes up with the number of partners. Really unfortunately, you can still get herpes, crabs or scabies even with a condom. The last two can be easily fixed, but herpes is for a lifetime. So if you sleep with x

3+1=4 . That isn't a threesome.

I've seen this before and on re-watching, I think this is far, far worse than the video this post is about. And it raises so many questions. How did that happen? Wasn't it painful? Why is he allowing her to do this in front of a bunch of other people? I'm assuming no insurance as the reason for not going to a doctor;

Even more so if you wait for a sale. I bought a package of the All ones last November on sale at Safeway for $11.99. I think there were 72 of them in there. I didn't have to buy any again until this March. Last month I got 82 at Target for around the same price. I don't anticipate having to buy laundry detergent

"As for the Chelsea Clinton one, I made the mistake of talking about the time I met her at a party, she sexually assaulted me, then attacked me for turning her down."

I notice that, and it's creeping me out. Especially this, which sounds an awful lot like what I've read pedophiles write:

I have an acquaintance who used to be a reporter for the L.A. Times; he told me the exact same thing.

You know? When was that? I must have missed it.

Black people growing up in white neighborhoods can also have black friends.