Auburn and Ivory

That would be good for an instant unfriending and block if it happened to me. You don’t deserve his shit. Cut him out of your life as much as you can. It will preserve your sanity, believe me.

Why does this comment not have all the stars? You really nailed it there. I guess all Asians look alike to him.

Who the fuck is David Cross?

Maybe he did that on purpose to bolster his “didn’t remember” tale. Or maybe he really doesn’t remember that incident at all. Either way, it doesn’t say a single good thing about him.

Bet they’re now regretting having given her that rectal probe.

100%. And then, when somebody finally has enough and kicks them in the balls with her steel-toed stilettos on, they’ll be all shocked and like “THAT CHICK WAS MEAN TO ME! WHAT A BITCH! SHE’S DIFFICULT! BLACKBALL HER AT ONCE!”

Like, say, a non-rapist and non-child-molester? A non-incestuous person? Yeah, Woody, I’m sure a lot of peeople would wish you were that, too.

Fuck him with all the cacti. I’d laugh at the sight of THAT. No, wait, I would not...because I don’t find sexually-imposed traumas amusing. Probably because I’m not a dude, and also because I have been sexually assaulted myself. And weirdly, I just couldn’t find any funny side to that at all. And seriously, if this

Yeah, we all know how he “got women” — he did it the way all Hollyweirdos do, by dangling acting jobs and contracts in front of them. His MO’s well known. He “got women” by baiting them with fame, fortune, and even female casting directors, and then switched it for his dick when he had them where he wanted them. No

Right? If anyone was asking for it, it was Weinstein...wrapped in his towel, leering and demanding oral sex.

Jeez, it’s like applying for a job — which is just what these actresses were doing — is “asking for it”. Because they showed up dressed nicely and looking pretty? And how did HE dress?

And failing that, “No comment” also works just fine.

Tongue soup is also great. And so is sliced boiled tongue with caper sauce and rice...

The only general whose orders I would ever consider marching on.

As though tears were a sign of weakness or dependency. No, sometimes they’re a sign of rage and simply being fed up with all the fucking bullshit.

And its oh-so-subtle variation, “Can’t you take a joke?” To which the only proper response is “Not when it’s at my fucking expense, asshole.”

Oh, beHAVE!

She’s not even trying to smile there. So much EW.

I always say that if a man consistently whines about “crazy” women he’s worked (or otherwise been in relationships) with, it’s because he drove them there. Failing that, he must have picked them for that particular trait. Because the common denominator in all the “craziness” is always HIM.

Your mom is indeed intuitive. I always got creep vibes off him too, and wondered why everybody fawned over him and called him “sexy”. I couldn’t see it. I could see creepy, and I could see it when I was 12 years old...and hadn’t (yet) heard him saying that one day he’d be found living with a bunch of 12-year-olds.