Gene Simmons is a creep? Now THERE’s a shocker!
Tucker Max needs to begone, YESTERDAY. Why is he still around?
We built these restaurants so that our guests could have fun and indulge, but I took that too far in my own behavior.
This is good, but a terrorism charge would be even better. Because it was obviously designed to send a terrorizing message to the antifascists.
“He came out of the bathroom with a towel at first wrapped around him, which he dropped,” Thomas said. “He was standing there naked. I think I almost collapsed, actually. It was the first time I had ever seen a naked man. I was mortified. I didn’t know what to do.” Thomas said Hoffman made her massage his feet,…
Aaaand suddenly I’m not sorry I never saw “Supersize Me”. Anywhere. EVER.
Supersized boozy shakes, I guess.
LOL @ “low status anonymous trolls”. What do they think their whole “movement” is made up of, anyway?
Between him and Dildo, I’m thinking they’re a bunch of dicks.
It is, indeed, made from seaweed. And the “cancer” controversy is...well, let’s just say the jury’s still out:
Definitely a Fifties term, just as his ‘do is a Fifties duck-tail. A very weedy, ill-kempt one, mind you.
Just as he has the best words, Donnie also has the best junk food. And lots of it, as his chin cellulite can attest.
John Oliver, I love you. Please NEVER be one of the Bad Ones.
That face just gets more punchable every time I look at it. Between him and that puke Spencer, I don’t know which I’d like to clock first.