An insufferable git? Just a random guess.
An insufferable git? Just a random guess.
Poor kids, to have such gullible nitwits for parents...
The only proper response to all this touchy-feely right-wing weepiness is this:
I cover my ears and run every time I hear that song, but I think I like this guy.
I’m so glad that he’s getting his share of the shitstorm. It’s long overdue.
Silly Tomi, limited government is only for teh menz!
Please tell me it comes with a helium voice filter, too.
Remember, always: It’s limited government for ME, not for thee!
I’ve tried to figure these people out, and the best analogy I could come up with was this: Conservative women are like prisoners voting for their own hangman and still thinking themselves free. And then it turns out they’re not free, and the hangman is gonna hang them, and they’re all shocked and horrified, even…
Yup. These guys want to have their cake, eat it, and make women pay for every slice.
It’s the douchebag factor. They’re born old and cranky, and age in reverse as years of tantrumming pay off.
It’s illegal, and no one’s enforcing the law here? If that ain’t a ripe, stinking pile of sexist bullshit...
Right? Target abandoned us, so the least they could do is give us our Zellerses (?) back.
He was in that territory all along. Born there, in fact.
Nazi tradition dictates it. (Sorry.)
The echo chamber is getting even more echoey than usual.
The channel knows its key demographic: Grumpy old farts who like looking at legs.
Or better still, dodging chlamydia and syphilis. Because that was HIS Vietnam, don’tcha know?
He just fucked coal-mining country over. And they know it. He’s gotta shore up that base somehow.