Auburn and Ivory

It’s also another “alternative fact”.

Zero fucks except for the fingers. Yesssss.

More like this, I think:

Ain’t gonna lie, I’d hug that bear...platonically, anyhow.

Oh, for Chrissakes. I’m Canadian, and even WE don’t have that much of a grizzly problem here. Our kids don’t carry guns to school, and somehow, we haven’t all killed each other yet!

Maybe this is a totally random observation, but he sure doesn’t appear to be aging well.

By not being the brightest light on the ol’ tree to start with? That’s all I got...

I’m only sorry that none of the poop landed on Milo as well.

For all the right keeps kvetching about how liberals and leftists are trying to redefine all kinds of legal verbiage and concepts, they’re sure playing remarkable tricks on the concept of “accidental”.

Or “All Lives Matter”.

Now playing

I’m just gonna leave this right here...

Now, now, Donnie! Is this any way to treat the folks who gave you all the free publicity AND covered up your crimes for the last 10+ years?

Surprise, asshole old dude from Connecticut! Seems that the “old world” would still have you arrested for sexual assault, and the security cams will back the woman up! And now the whole world knows what you are, and your days in office will be numbered. In addition, that will probably be the last crotch you grab other

All the stars for using Henry Winkler...and getting a dig in at Sovereign Citizens.

Yeah, I think that one really takes the bagel. (Or should I say the Prozac?)

This beats that whole “make your loved one’s ashes into a diamond you can wear” thing.

It’s an easy mistake to make, innit? But no, that’s Marc Almond.

Ugh, and OUCH. Maybe he should have taken one up the wazoo himself so he could see what it was actually like...

First guy I ever did it with (he was a virgin too) used to “joke” all the time about “accidentally going in the wrong one”. I took that for a warning and kept my guard up and my bum down. Sure enough, he attempted (after several uneventful PIV sessions), and was promptly rebuffed before even the tip could go in.

A mint? As in an Altoid, or a peppermint? Ugh, that’s even worse than the butter-up-the-bum scene from Last Tango in Paris. That would actually STING.