
This show is so, so, so good. As I posted last night, I think this removes the one stain that the show carried. Seriously, it’s basically perfect and wholesome animated television.

Just coming by to let y’all know that Gravity Falls is like a suuuuuuper good show, and everyone should watch it.


He’s a golem made of mayonnaise.

Insecure man in his mid 30's pursues a flirtation with a collage age girl. When she shows genuine interest his anger & innexperience taints the interactions. His only recourse is to exploit power dynamics. He internalizes all of her reactions including not wanting to go on a date at her workplace & dressing

Bob Ross and Pea Pod are iconic and unchallengeable.

See, there’s something in your initial post that I find fascinating and instructive: your trigger warning for suicide.

*Reads answer to LW1*

Also, maybe you married the wrong person? When that happens we often look for signs of trouble anywhere we can find it. Think about it.

I feel like I listen to more than enough Savage Lovecast to have heard the first scenario over and over again. If the sex is bad this long into the relationship and your partner has shown no interest in improving it, then you have to really sit down and ask yourself whether bad sex is the price of admission you’re

OREGON FTW! I’m v proud right now!!

I bet it feels SO GOOD to get the hell out of the administration right now. I’m honestly impressed that he lasted this long; I can only imagine what an ethics officer would look like if asked to examine all of this mess. Just take one peak in the door and...

Sometimes I feel like Kate Brown got into office, rolled up her sleeves, and said, “Okay, how can I push this state as far into the 21st century as possible before I have to leave this office?” And also that the next stop is state-wide single-payer insurance.

so, I basically need to move back to Oregon. I should have never left, though, let’s be real

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Don’t do it! You should find yourself a nose icon, lol. Like some very handsome actor or athlete or anyone you really admire who has a nose like yours and who is clearly confident with his face. Let that person be an inspiration to you. Every face is uniquely beautiful. And it’s one’s animating spirit that compels

Man, that sucks. Now you have to leave your house and start your life over with nothing. It all belongs to the snake now.

Uh... even if you haven’t personally observed it, have you seriously never read anything about the way POC are targeted in the criminal justice system and the ways in which the cycle of poverty can keep people (of any race) stuck at the bottom? People who grow up in dire circumstances rarely make it out, so be

My brother was lured out of his hotel room and falsely arrested in New Orleans while on vacation with friends. These guys from NJ were accused of stealing a television from the hotel where they were staying. Which I guess they hid...not sure where. And were they supposed to take it on the plane with them? Lousiana