
Yeah, we have to get over the “I’m just a clueless man; I don’t know what I’m doing” trope; particularly because these are the same people who also believe that only men are qualified to rule the world. They can’t be both. They can’t be helpless, clueless men, and/or men who can’t be expected to control their natural

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

I’ve got one I call “Old Gray Thing” that I always forget to post. It was a paranormal encounter but I’m still not sure what exactly it was, and I’ve always been curious if anyone else has seen one too. I’m doxxing myself if anyone I know reads this, but here goes nothing...

Sure why not logging? Logs are great! They roll down stairs, alone or in pairs, and roll over your neighbors dog. They’re great for a snack, they fit on your back, it's log! Log! Log!

I don’t know that reporting that something happened is necessarily laying all the blame on a specific person. This particular bit is making headlines because it’s juicy.

This “given all her resources” line is B.S. We know that money doesn’t protect anyone from being unhealthy, whether mentally or physically. 

I’m a huge grammar nerd but this is unnecessary. In this case it’s more important to listen to what he has in his heart than to make classist comments about how he got his message across. It’s a screenshot of the Notes app, posted to Instagram. He’s not submitting a statement to Congress.

He was diagnosed with a psychological disorder. But I guess it’s not nearly as edgy to say “I wish he had gotten the help he needed.”

What if.... insurance agencies had nothing to do with it whatsoever, and the only people who determine how long care is needed are the providers, the patients and the patient’s outside support group? What if the cost of care is never even a factor in determining what care is provided?

I’m told that Davidson has charms that may not be readily available to the casual viewer...

He bought a house for his mom and moved into the “basement” because he has mental health problems and they figured that’s the safest arrangement for him. You can make fun of him for the stupid shit he said at the college show he just did but snarking on him for this seems extremely in poor taste to me.

He lives with his mom, or his mom lives with him (semantics), because they both agree it’s what is needed for his mental health, and that  isn’t kind to be snarky about.

Portlander here to say ditto! Who DOESN’T move to the Pacific NW?

And in conclusion, may I please remind you that it does not say “RSVP” on the Statue of Liberty.

What the shit happened with this comment section? So many replies about either Miley’s apparent non-commitment to marriage (only because it didn’t last long enough?) or slut-shaming her. What the hell, Jezebellians?

omg, cackled out loud (but I am also a cat owner who is high, lol)

I’m pretty sure that pets own humans.

I get where you might be coming from, but does that mean you’re advocating for a world where all dogs and other animals are wild? Have you traveled to a place where this is the case? Not to anthropomorphize animals, but having been to a couple places where the incidence of street cats/dogs is very high, and where

This sounds like a must-read. I’m fascinated by true crime, which baffles my partner because he thinks a lot of it is just packaging someone’s tragedy for lurid entertainment. (Like you, I’ve had to stop myself in the middle of sharing something awful when he was trying to, you know, enjoy his day.) I was trying to

“He is clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college,” Troiano reportedly said. According to the Times”

Yeah it sucks when people enjoy simple activities with other people