
Helicopter parenting is bad and you can’t shelter them from bad stuff in the world too much but I feel like “I don’t want my children interacting with a known serial killer” is a fairly reasonable request?

“Just off the UPI ticker: Trump Pulls Out of Paris Climate Agreement But Is So Tiny, Paris Climate Agreement Wasn’t Even Aware He Was Ever In It”

Women with irregular periods are Honorary Whores in the eyes of gawd

Why does the right hate declining abortion rates?

Another Pee Wee Hermanism Trump enjoys using is, “I know you are but what am I?”

Ahhh. The old Pee-Wee Gambit.

“Herr Trump? Ja? Please, do you haff Prince Albrecht in a tin container of some zort? Vell, you had better let him out, ja? HAhahahahaha!”


C’est un homme who doesn’t have le temps for your merde, Donald.

There is a reason that in The Emperor’s New Clothes it is a kid that points out that the Emperor is naked. Children are very good at seeing past all the superficial bullshit that adults think is important. They can see that under the fancy suit and ten tons of self-importance, Paul Ryan is just a spineless little

“According to ABC, one parent posted on social media that students should respect Ryan because he has a fancy job, no matter how much you may want health insurance someday.”

Ryan Seacrest is upset that Katy Perry is being offered way (waaaay) more to do American Idol than he is. [Page Six]

Probably because they were terrified they might be next. I’m 99% sure I would have done the same.

I came here for the rat love.

Rats are the best!

And the baby in the story was delivered a whole mile away. That’s not mailing a baby. That’s asking a favor of the postal worker who they probably knew their entire lives (hey Jebediah, drop my baby off at my mom’s, ok?)

In 1914 the postmaster ruined the whole thing and ruled that nobody could send humans through the mail. So I guess you’ll just have to make room for babies on your flights!

I am SO STOKED that this is happening at a time when I am old enough to fully understand/be paying attention to it all. Bill Clinton’s impeachment hearings were the first news story I was ever aware of. (Tiny, four year old me remembers watching the news coverage of it from my parents’ bed.) Such sweet, sweet

Excerpt from ‘The Road to Little Dribbling’ by Bill Bryson:

The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting.