I’ve seen the leaked next gen names:
I’ve seen the leaked next gen names:
No, it’ll just get truncated to SexBox.
“I left a series of Xbox Series X boxes at my serious ex’s (Sirius) boxing series one time.”
That’s a real sentence now, thanks to microsoft.
Watch. Xbox Series X is gonna get shortened by the gaming community into “XBSeX”.
Actually, I think it’s because no one played Bioshock 1 and thought, “Yes, but IN THE INTEREST OF BALANCE, are socialists JUST AS BAD AS OBJECTIVISTS but in a different way????”
“He’d once been arrested for impersonating a police officer and had been fired from his last job as a college security guard for pulling over drivers off-campus; his earlier stint as a sheriff’s deputy had ended under similarly ignominious circumstances.”
Why does anyone want her to sing?
I dunno, man. Breath of the Wild kinda ruined exploration in games for me. Even brand new games don’t feel exciting or immersive after being able to climb every single surface (with very few exceptions). Outer Wilds looks cool but not on that level. Just my two cents.
“Radiohead says OK Computer doesn’t count”
White people problems, am I right?
If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.
Along with other prime time games stealing its thunder, MNF was also built as a last ditch chance for gamblers either trying to recover from the beatings they’d taken over the weekend or looking to really cash in on an already successful weekend. The gambling aspect wasn’t exactly a secret, and it was all a part of…
I like how 1-800-AAA-HELP looks a phone number turned into panicked scream.
I got two for ‘80s fans:
Back then, I don’t believe that’s what was meant by “...and rare.” It was that abortion is rare because birth control is excellent and freely available, sex ed is available to all, and only those who want to be pregnant become pregnant. No negatives attached to it.
Q: “What to do with the porn?”
A: dispose of it in a way that befits your father’s generation. Leave it in a culvert next to the train tracks, or perhaps in a bag next to a big rock on a hiking train in the woods.
As I get older I sense a following pattern with men, especially men of privilege *cough Johnny Depp* :
They’re young and beautiful and the loves of their early lives are equal-aged women of similar beauty and stardom, they wed, the next decade more or less (in Phillippe’s case a bit less) their careers continue to…