Elden Ring DLC
Elden Ring DLC
The Last Jedi set up all sorts of interesting themes and questions that Rise of Skywalker failed to deliver on so completely that it was perversely impressive.
I agree completely. For me, it comes done to these aspects, mentioned in the article:
As someone who has finished all the Souls games (except Sekiro, which I don’t actually consider a Souls game for reasons you went into)...
Jesus, what the hell is wrong with these idiots?!? On the positive side, I had forgotten this game existed. Hopefully it will actually get released in 2022 as I think it would make a great christmas gift for my oldest kid.
But, I mean, it’s CLEARLY IKEA. Swedish furniture store that serves food? It’s definitely meant to be Ikea. You can argue that it’s satire or something, but arguing that it’s not meant to be IKEA is disingenuous.
Atlas Fallen actually looks like it could be good, so there’s that. The more of Forspoken I see, the less appealing it gets.
The article header image is definitely a Metroid reference, right?
Initial thought on A Little to the Left presentation: Why would someone want to play an OCD simulator?
No real desire to play this, but TLOU2 played so much better than TLOU, I might pick it up anyway depending on how much it has been updated. If it’s graphics only, I’ll pass; the original still looks just fine.
As a Deus Ex and LoK fan, this definitely sounds better than continued Square ownership!
I never though Orstein and Smough were hard. Beat them after 5-6 tries and didn’t know they were considered a big deal until reading about it online later. On the other hand, I can only beat Malenia by cheesing her. But if you cheese her, she’s pretty easy. Just summon Black Knife Tiche and spam the Fallingstar Beast…
Black Knife Tiche
Nice! After bouncing of HFW for Elden Ring, I was dreading going back because of this. This will make resuming it so much easier!
Ori and the Will of the Wisps? Oh Hell yeah!
What kind of asshole buys a game where you play as the Nazis?!?
Babyface all day; not even close
Wonderful article about a wonderful album!
Final Fantasy VI is great, but Final Fantasy IV was better. Coincidentally (or, actually, almost certainly not lol), those were the first 2 Final Fantasy games and JRPGs I played as Final Fantasy II and III on the SNES. It was all downhill from there for me FF-wise. Some later installments I played were good, but…
Perhaps Outer Wilds got no love because voters confused it with the inferior Outer Worlds like this poster?