The job of law enforcement is and always has been to kill and terrorize poor and brown people.
The job of law enforcement is and always has been to kill and terrorize poor and brown people.
That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.
There is a metric shit-ton of internet users that take anyone speaking matter-of-factly in a critical way as an attempt at objectivity, when that was never the intention of the speaker.
Important note, Marisa is explicitly bi/pan and probably poly. Her questline in world tour questline explicitly has her considering suitors of different genders and then choosing both. She even says theres room for you as a third regardless of what gender you pick for your character.
Shes also thirsty as hell for…
My family has been doing a monthly wordle competition for the past year. Started as just me and my parents, now both my sisters and one of their boyfriends are in on it. My dad tracks everything on an excel sheet. I don’t need NYT’s little score sheet!
Hear me out…maybe a micro transaction of a buff, sexy Gollum skin would save this game?
Kill all nazi. Be done with them.
My guess is that Rey is a combined clone of Palpatine and Luke. This is what Dr. Pershing’s speech was about in season 3, ep. 3 of The Manalorian. Taking the best attributes of test subjects’ DNA and combining them. Snoke and Palpatine 2.0 are the failed experiments, while Rey is the “final”. Where did they get Luke’s…
Yeah as someone with little interest in the source material, the issues with Slytherin and the many other ethical issues in HP mostly seem to stem from the over-stretching of what is a heavily formulaic setting purpose built for a specific story.
Just another example of Kotaku crapping all over AI. I guess it gets them clicks but for a tech oriented website it's an awfully strange hill to choose to die on.
AI detects cancer in x-rays earlier than trained doctors, is used to detect upcoming catastrophic material collapse in bridges, and a million other useful life saving ways;
There are some pretty dismissive takes of early technology that can efficiently recreate games in less than 5 minutes that most people would never be able to learn to code on their own in here.
I’m going to say this without being ugly or mean (unlike quite a few of these responses - since when did commenting on the internet HAVE to be about being a dick?).
Ellie, in the games, makes no sense. Just like Nathan Drake makes no sense. Just like, honestly, Joel hardly makes sense. To be able to go out of your way…
I agree with your comment. I’m all for representation, but I’m feeling like there’s an important thing that nobody’s talked about with all this “forced sexualization.” Forget hetero/homosexuality for a bit, there’s something incredibly toxic about thinking that the only person that someone can have a close…
Persona, a beloved and decades old series is homophobic for not letting a straight written protagonist romance boys?
I get where you are coming from. But implying that 2 dudes being friendly with each other should be gay also diminishes that 2 dudes can also be open with each other and trust each other in a way that isn’t “toxic masculinity”. What I mean to say is they are best friends who care about each other. Atlus definitely…
Why is it necessary? why force it? I am a gay man I do not need every game or media to have a character that represents me, even less when is done JUST to include it without real heart or purpose. I never saw any of them as being gay, and never had the illusion of them being gay, they do not have a gay story, so why…
At least they openly admit they made the changes to pander to the lowest common denominator. Makes me wonder why they even bothered adapting the book in the first place though.
Side thought: when I read the book, I remember thinking it would be perfect for the Coen Brothers to adapt. I stand by that.
Luke, every year you make the same claim and every year I want to scream at you: TIE Fighter is superior to Dark Forces in every way. I will argue this until the day I die.
And to those people, I say: “Come on, really? Come on.”