A Town Like Alice in Chains

Didn't know that. Watched the show when I was young, and that … noise always made me giggle.

Mitch McConnell got polio and was saved thanks to healthcare, which is a atrike

I saw Menace 2 Society in the theater here in Norway, and the subtitles, as they are sometimes wont to do, delighted us to no end when one of the characters went off on a tirade a la "fuck you, you fuckin' mothafucka" and whoever translated it (god bless!) went with "pee in my ear, you poop" ("tiss meg i øret, din

Part of me will stand up for the parts of The War at Home that features Anita Barone.

As a Flickr user of many years, I really wonder what'll happen to it.

Ron Howard and Joe Johnston have both been mentioned as replacements. Johnston seems like a good fit for Solo, what with both Rocketeer and Captain America already on his list…

Han Solo takes a job smuggling Corellian beer to Dantooine, even though it can't be legally sold west of Naboo. Han runs interference in a small jet fighter while his friend Chewie hauls the beer in a freighter. Hot on their tails is galactic sheriff Boffo Justus.

Even Noel Gallagher would've been embarrassed by that rhyme.

Wait, what? Kinja? Here?

Oh my god, yes, it's so good!

His line about flying on the big metal bird last season was fantastic.

He seemed to be having a blast. Of course, so did De Niro and look how that turned out.

Wasn't Hughie based on Pegg in the first place?

Not really. It's a common technique. Dan Savage nuked Rick Santorum this way a few years ago, for example. Twitter could shut the fake accounts down since it's clearly violating the TOS, but they're tanking financially, and cutting off fake accounts and pissing the neediest POTUS in history off would likely kill the

Agree. The first Mummy movie was a fun romp, and he was legitimately good in Gods & Monsters and The Quiet American.

I hadn't seen it before, so I watched it on Netflix when I read this story. So far, I've been on the "City on the Edge of Forever" train, but this was really its equal. Real emotional payoff, no enemy bent on destruction, just a memory. Also realized there are more seasons of TNG than I thought. Sigh.

There may be some stuff coming down the pipeline soon as the probe goes on. If there's five million bots posting links to the same article about how Killary stabbed Seth Rich to death with a Soros-branded knife and then wiped the evidence clean with a US flag, legit stories retrieved through Google will be pushed to

Maybe Amy Poehler spurned his advances.

I also read somewhere (and I could certainly be misremembering) that Netflix needed to produce tailor-made content in order to establish itself in the local market.

I don't think we're disagreeing, so to be more specific, I meant to suggest that a more locally based Breitbart outlet could potentially help push the agendas of the European hard right more effectively and that perhaps the reason views had gone was due to them being distributed over more sites.