A Town Like Alice in Chains

I did and I do.

I meant they're working on influencing the upcoming election.

Hard at work in Germany.

Isn't Breitbart launching in Europe in order to destroy the discourse and install homegrown fascists? Can the numbers just be spread out over several sites?

They really are. Verheiden's take felt right. Of course, it'd have been ruinously expensive, I expect.

Kevin Smith's career is a decent argument against legalizing marijuana.

I was working in a video store when it came out, so it was sort of perfect. i watched it at work, in-between customers. Even though I'm in Norway, it felt extremely familiar, so it definitely had that universal appeal.

Yes, the last stuff I heard from him was pretty much all complaints and grievances.

Guru Josh … now that's a reference you don't see every day.

I certainly am!

"Whole Lotta Rosie" on "…if you want blood". Some English journo once dismissed Angus Young's style as "wanking octopus," clearly failing to understand the inherent greatness of the statement. Anyway, the solo is indulgent and over the top and sounds like Angus having the time of his life. I can never not air solo

We mustn't speak ill of the dead, unless they're black.

I assumed drugs too, at first. And 52 struck me as an odd age. I realize people of all ages are depressed, and that success doesn't necessarily mean you're not a mess, but … he was clean, he had a wife and kids. The band seemed to be enjoying themselves. I dunno, it just seemed like there was a support system there.

Hey, Achtung Baby is a stone-cold classic!

It's a bit like Wolowitz on BBT. If he'd been played by an actor without Helberg's charm, he's be in Buffalo Bill territory.

"Based on a story by Moe Hansdale"

"Keep Carter away and have Darin Morgan write everything."

I've said it before, but I wish they'd filmed Mark Verheiden's first three comic arcs for Dark Horse's Aliens instead of what Alien 3 was cobbled into. They build on existing characters while also expanding the world itself.

Because he was the only living Kiwi actor alive not cast in LOTR.

You are not alone.