A Town Like Alice in Chains

They're still making music? Why?

"We are free men, Jon Snow, who like to be in chains"

The icing on the cake is the nail polish ads right below the question.

David LynXXX

*Paul Greengrass throws camera at Medrawt's head*

I need help reacting to something.

Truly, 'tis a thing of beauty.


Translation: Too stoned to move.

The trailer was really dire, but my wife talked me into seeing it, and I'm so happy she did. We laughed our asses off.

My pet theory: Season 3 is about Dale Cooper's return to the world after his complete mental breakdown.

Somebody get Darin Morgan on this!

It ended beautifully. I laughed my ass off. This is clearly a labour of love.

The Brits started the war on Easter this year. There's life in the old dog yet.

Well, conservatives are job creators, after all.

I thought Jeff killed Cornelius Hawthorne?

Would it be mean to assume these lawyers are mostly educated at faith-based places of higher learning?

My wife thinks Keaton's turn is hilarious, but I agree with you - I think it's too much. He seems like he's from another movie. Whedon's version is tonally more coherent, but Branagh's version has Emma Thompson at her most radiant, so no comparison. (Also Denzel Washington tittering and traipsing like a schoolgirl)

As much as I love "Much ado about nothing", the movie is a bit of a mess, and I find Keaton's Dogberry (I think?) pretty awful.

I'd be up for The New Adventures of Flint directed by Tarantino.