A Town Like Alice in Chains

Evelyn Waugh's script "James Bond vs the Menace of the Degenerate Welsh" has yet to be optioned.

i've been to a few. In-the-park type things are fine. I'll catch some bands, drink some beer and head home when it's over. My friends all say I'm a dilettante and camping out makes is what makes it a real festival, to which I can only point out that setting up a tent in a lake of feces to try to catch some sleep while

“Thnazx, I am a social scientist of some renown back home on Eubrizz-Q. I like to think I know what I'm doing. That I have a measure of empathy to go with my understanding. But we've been here for two of their centuries, and honestly, all I can say is, fuck this species.”

Also, did he recommend other leaks to check out?

There's so much to be looted. Trump's not going anywhere until he dies. I can hear McConnell already: "FDR was only supposed to serve two terms. Nevertheless, he persisted."

If you are stupid and hateful, would you watch a stupid and hateful person validate you and your beliefs, or some commie egghead showing off?

I keep wondering what that movie would be like if the lead could act.

Well they'd be able to contain themselves if those damn libs didn't keep allowing people to gay marry their lampposts.

I have! It was terrible!

I liked it too. My main complaint, shared with everybody else, was that it was way too long. On the other hand, we got Kong on ice, which was a sweet scene.

Random aside: Korea sort of illustrated the inherent danger of demanding sequels. I loved Avatar and wanted more, but when I first saw Korra, I didn't really like it, because it was so different. Of course, I was judging it for not being Avatar, and when I gave it another shot and took it on its own merits, I thought

Bannon has a portrait in his attic that looks really bad.

That's precisely what Spencer wants you to think, man.

AC/DC totally stands for Anti-Christi/Devil's Child, and not something the Young brothers saw on a power outlet and thought "heh".

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be greeted as liberators. Also, get the fuck outta here, Hans Blix."

The worst movie I ever saw in a theatre was a Norwegian movie called 5 Lies. I was supposed to see something else, but it was sold out, so chose this on a whim. From IMDB: "The supermarket clown Ulrik is dreaming of becoming a stand-up comedian. The handicapped Amnesty girl Kristin is in love with the swaggerer

The visuals are fantastic, but the story is often pretty inert. So yes, I agree.

I actually read that on their Spotify bio after I posted yesterday, but forgot to update my post. Thanks, though.

For a second, I read that as George R R Martin and thought "how on earth was he involved with them?" before slapping my forehead.