A Town Like Alice in Chains

Bruce Campbell's If Chins Could Kill is pretty great. He comes across as a pro, content to take work where he finds it, and never getting too down about missed opportunities.

DCU is better than MCU!

Most people think of Stephen as the village idiot of the Baldwins, right? (That is, if they think of him at all.)

…by shoving it down our throat!

I believe the The Untouchables principle applies:

the band who made the Community theme song was called The 88. I haven't found any evidence they're nazis, so hoping it's a Kill Bill reference or something.

Don't forget the layers of pouches.

Jack trying to get the wasp's nest off the roof hit a nerve. I've always been scared of wasps and was tensed up just reading it.

"Mick Garris … only you would be so bold."

I recently watched Escape from New York for the first time in ages, and there's a shot of Plissken's plane coming in over Manhattan, headed straight for the WTC. It was a slight "whoa" moment.

I lucked out in college: The film club got ahold of a copy of the restored Lawrence of Arabia (and later, Once Upon a Time in the West), so the first time I ever saw it, it was a pristine version on the big screen.

"I like how he has the courage of his convictions!"

Alternately "My students won't sleep with me because of liberal bias and feminism."

Will we see her birth certificate?

Some call them the gangsters of love.

Avatar 2: The Giving Tree

I'd argue it both resonates and confuses. (Which is one of the things I enjoy about it.)


Joss Whedon writes, Kevin Smith directs.

Wow, I had no idea. I can't really imagine it on screen at all in a way that wouldn't be silly, so now I'm really curious.