A Town Like Alice in Chains

There's one with a finger emerging from a bathroom sink night after night. Can't remember what collection it's from, but … oh man. The concept is silly, but it just works (King prefaces it by saying he like Bradbury stories, because things just happen, no explanation given). Read it just before bed and opened the


I had nightmares for weeks after I read it. Granted, I was only 13 or so, and quite frankly a wimp, but there are passages that are still with me. I want to read it again, but I'm scared a) I'll be disappointed, and b) that I won't. Either way, I want to wait until my kids are older, because what kicks it off is far

Me too. Probably one of those "On the Internet" posts

Careful, or he'll totally pwn you on YouTube

*Paul Greengrass angrily throws camera at ned_ryerson's head*

Tim Allen ratted him out!

Liberal Hollywood destroys another conservative actor's career.

Fat suit technology has come a long way in the last decade. Eddie's face will be superimposed on a digital body performed by Andy Serkis.

All those pro-Russian Trump voters on Twitter need entertainment too! Besides liberal tears, I mean.

I'm sure this has been done further down thread, but:

I want to see this now.

Then Jesus punched the teacher and everyone applauded.

People have had quite enough of experts, dontcha know?

No, that was Zack Snyder.

Has James Franco also improved the comment section design? Because it's slightly better now.

Shark was fun for half a season, then I lost interest. And I sort of like Vampire$, even though it's pretty objectionable.

Theory: the cars in Cars don't actually exist. Instead, they are cartoons, generated for entertainment purposes, by a computer in Emeryville, California.

The monster is the disintegration of the family unit.

*Xenomorph chases terrified astronauts with a giant ruler*