A Town Like Alice in Chains

"Who kings the kingsmen?"

"Kal-El sings the classics of country music"

That's the problem. Stupid is infinite and endlessly patient. Disengage for your own sanity and cross your fingers he breaks his neck trying to suck his own dick or something.

Ignoring them usually works. I still contend that people should've ignored Milo on his speaking gigs instead of giving him the publicity. On the other hand, it made it funnier when he eventually got shanked by his own side.

Who questioned his beliefs?

That's disappointing to hear. Bruce Campbell writes fondly of Sorbo in If Chins Could Kill.

Isn't it strange to think that somewhere, someone said "remember how awful Kinja was? Well, I just figured out how to make something even worse" and then someone else said "I like your moxie, kid" and gave the go-ahead.

When a woman says no to being interviewed, she really means yes. Or something.

The comments are at least 60% of why I keep coming here.

And it was normal, like 3 minutes ago! Ferfrigsake!!!

Maybe he enjoyed it? He probably has enough money by now not to have to worry about the paycheck. Though I suppose Chet Haze doesn't finance itself.

- A murder of crows
- A pride of lions
- A parliament of funk
- A cumberbatch of thespians

I'd be up for a SW/B5 crossover. After falling through a time hole, CGI Jerry Doyle teams up with CGI Moff Tarkin to make the Empire great again.

This is true.

I'd like to see a Robin Hood movie in the vein of the first Zorro movie with Banderas. So much swashbuckling fun.

Or Paul Ryan, raging against the machine.

Yep, it's time for the Coogler to get his own show!

They're MACHINES FOR LIVING, you philistine.

Sometimes, though, she'd wear a bodice. As you do.