
Can you people just elect this guy President already? It might set a dangerous precedent to turn a camera friendly media star into the Leader of the Free World, but at this point it’s got to be better than any of the alternatives.

Slightly disagree. Trails in the Sky SC and FC are obviously the best jumping off point as its the start of the arc. 3rd is useful (VERY USEFUL) for contextual information on the enemy but not required to understanding the events on the other games. Crossbell is largely standalone and takes place is a pocket of the

A more reasonable answer for a daily commuter (vs. a 20+ year old car) is a GTI.

One of the biggest and worst failings of social media in general is the outright incapability, willful and otherwise, to regulate their own platforms effectively. Part of the reason Twitch even started featuring other kinds of streaming content that wasn’t exclusively about gaming was because there wasn’t enough money

I worked with a guy that picked up Chipotle for us one day and came back with an entire bottle of hot sauce. I was shocked but he said he did it all the time and his justification was that it was just out there next to the forks, and those were free so why not? I lost all respect for him that day. I hope he’s doing

I guess there’s a difference here: were the items brought to the table as part of your meal? If they bring out 4 bottles of syrup for you, sure, those are for you. If there’s a caddy chock full of ketchup containers? Probably don’t stuff your bag with them.

I keep seeing “vote with your wallet,” but they originally pulled this because they’re terrified of losing China as a customer base. With a billion people and a huge and growing crop of gamers, what’s stopping Activision-Blizzard from simply ignoring the percentage of people elsewhere who’ll stop playing on ethical

Well I know I’ve found my line. It’s a shame because I was really excited for Blizcon and shit but the only way businesses are going to learn to not bow to China’s authoritarian whims is if the customer base punishes them greatly for it. Some mouthbreather is probably going to come in to the comments with the tiresome

Sometimes I think it would be fun to be a car blogger. And then other times I remember you have to read and write about BMW’s SUV lineup and I just pity you.

So Troy says he doesn’t want to work for the company because Gearbox (which is in Texas) doesn’t support unions. To which Gearbox replies and says “we can’t deny anyone employment if they’re in a union.” Then SAG-AFTRA replies “nobody said shit about that, get fucked.”

So basically some members of SAG-AFTRA were in the game voicing characters, because they can in Texas, but they undermine the union by doing that. Troy Baker obviously could have gotten something better than whatever the no names were getting paid (and probably better treatment and pay than the union contract

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of

Please stop talking to this piece of shit. Jonathan Davis is a birther and a Sandy Hook conspiracy believer. He’s down with Infowars and shit. I don’t give a fuck that he likes games. He’s a fucktard. Zack, you suck.

The man is a fucking idiot. We’ve known that for years. Thus no need to be in a quandary. Hopefully more Americans have realized this and we’ll only have to endure embarrassing headlines for one more year.

Don’t insult my boy Emet Selch by putting him on the same level as Kefka like that. He’s got actual character development and motivations.

Trump is what a business person looks like to someone who doesn’t know anything about business.

I think this is one of those times where it is okay to be offended, but maybe keep a check on the level of outrage. Otherwise you can start a chain reaction and eventually the whole thing explodes over social media, and you could be left dealing with the fallout for years. 

Moments that could be touching are dumped on you over the span of a few text boxes rather than delved into deeply.

How was Golf Story left off this list?

How was Golf Story left off this list?

Golf Story deserves to be on this list. Don’t take my word for it, just look up reviews of it, many of which will place it above most of these listed here.

Golf Story deserves to be on this list. Don’t take my word for it, just look up reviews of it, many of which will