
We can have more than one problem you know, it’s not a competition.

Not for nothing, I know there’s a federal law that prevents the President from appointing a relative to any political position, and this was done in the aftermath of the JFK administration due to his brother having an undue amount of power. If I’m not mistaken, that was also the last time that a family member had

I mean, is there really that much of a difference between a heavily-sedated schnauzer and Ben Carson?...

The joke is that Breaking Bad is a show that could only happen in America. In pretty much every other country, the doctor would say, “I’m sorry, Mr. White: it’s cancer. But we caught it early, you’re going to be fine- treatment starts Thursday.”

You notice how all of his tweets are the exact opposite of what’s really happening? I think we’ve all figured that out but, I’m wondering who he’s trying to convince? Is it us, or is he trying to convince himself this all going terrifically.

I watched the election night coverage on the CBC. Around 11 pm or so, when it had become clear Trump was going to win, one of the panelists sighed and said, “Well... you know, America did have a pretty good run.” The rest of the panelists sat quietly, and somberly nodded. Know the rest of the world take no joy in

I want to punish everyone who’s clapping for Orange in that picture.

I just tweeted this asshole to tell him I love Pepsi (which I do) and will continue to drink it because it pisses him off so much. Yes, I am immature. Yes, I don’t care.

I’ll never forget this article from last year about Kentucky’s surprise election of governor Matt Bevin, who ran on a platform that had a main plank of dismantling the extremely successful health care system the state had created under the ACA. It foreshadowed this election perfectly. Look at this quote:

And I think that’s probably the most frustrating thing of all—Trump isn’t even being sneaky about this shit. He’s doing it in plain sight (just check out his tax plan!), and the temporarily embarrassed millionaires of America are all “YAY HE IS GOING TO BEING US OUR JOBS FROM 1979 THAT NO LONGER EXIST BACK AND

Oh god, my FB memories just recently showed me a post I made about what an apocalyptic nightmare scenario a Romney presidency would be. I want to find a time machine and go pat my past self on my little head and tell myself “oh just you wait my precious, naive little flower. Just you wait”.

I have had the world’s most unfortunately uncomfortable and miserable pregnancy (I’ve peed myself while puking, I’ve puked while pooping so much it’s just an indignity) that a “birth poop” is the least of my worries. I know a lot of people who are concerned about it but I doubt they have puked on themselves through

Interesting. I am passionate about wanting to not do anything. I’d really rather sit on my ass and avoid people.

I was bullied mercilessly in school. It was...awful. I’m so glad that I was pretty much done with school before social media was a thing, or else I probably would’ve been in a similar situation. The worst that happened online is a guy from school spent the summer chatting with me on AIM and then turned out it was a

Living for eight years literally physically ages you.

Bahahah, bigger disaster: this election or jurassic park?

The woman behind Obama in that photo is all of us

Well, I don’t want to bum you out, but they had to take the baby at 16 weeks to save my life. I was getting a new clot every week. I did not want to die. They tied my tubes later. Eventually I had a hysterectomy. That was over 20 years ago. But I’m a grandma now, so he kinda makes up for it. Thanks for your kindness.

I mean, the immediate effects of Brexit are a sharpish uptick in xenophobic violence and hate crimes and the recipients are decidedly not marble-mouthed, public educated, fully “assimilated,” fifteenth-generation folk of western European extraction who perform bland music in a plaintive, otherwise unremarkable wail.