
Seriously. Dafuq is Nigel Farage even doing here? Trump is so eager to deport people...start with this meatpie.

You’d think a guy bragging about building a wall could manage a few curtains.

you should really be using a oatmeal soy lavender vitamin-infused shea butter fragrance-free hydrating soap stick from your local co-op

I’d have more respect for her if she just admitted that they shipped some bad batches or had to reformulate. I bought some of their sunscreen last year. It was crap. I’ve been wearing mineral sunscreen for 25 years or so, and I’m an inorganic chemist. The oils had completely separated from the sunscreen in the package

She’s Donald Trump’s illegitimate daughter. Only explanation. Sad!


Drunk me is the only one that wants to quit. Sober me wants to drink.

Thanks. My issue is that I drink at home, so will have to adjust my routine to avoid that craving in the evening. I’ve used it to escape stress and to get myself to stop “thinking” after working all day between my shop and online biz. Now it works too well!

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.

I saw the title. I knew what I was getting into. And yet, still I clicked, still I read. “red like raw hamburger”...dear god, there are no words.

Guaranteed that many of the people upset about this have ranted about PC Culture, everyone being too sensitive, and the pussification of America (re safe spaces most likely) sometime very recently.

/hears name “Tom Hiddleston” mentioned

Ryan’s thoughts.

The man might have suffered from a lapse in judgement, and woke up the very moment this picture was taken?

Really surprised there’s been no mention yet of Bond however this was NOT the way to go about getting Bond role! BOAK as we say in Scotland! Then again, I’m keeping everything crossed for Idris Elba OR Gillian Anderson as Jane Bond

Don’t expect The Daily Mail to know know what journalism or fact checking is. They’re the ones who published a ‘here’s how much worse off you’ll be’ 2 days AFTER the Brexit vote for all their racist, xenophobic halfwit readers. (Yip, still bitter!)

Have you tried using both hands to steady your aim?

too soon?

If we ignore him on both sides of the pond, he has to live on a tiny pontoon in the middle of the ocean. That’s science.

I genuinely did not know that he was even back in the UK so I can attest that I have been doing excellent Piers Morgan ignoring.