
I think you did everything you could do with Cheddar.

It was the truth, I'm surprised this story is getting all the "Awwws" it is. You don't send a dog like that back to a shelter.

You are probably going to get a lot of dumb posts from people (who haven’t spent a day in their life volunteering with homeless pets) about how this was all your fault. And those posts will list all the things you “should” have done.

what’s cruel is allowing cheddar to either be euthanized by strangers or adopted out to attack others.

I’m sorry for your experience with your dog. I have a friend who fosters Great Danes who just recently had a similar experience - he had found his forever home, but she was watching him over a weekend while his new family was out of town, and at the very end of his stay with her he attacked and almost killed another

There is no “hit or miss”. There is “hit or forcible catheterization”. I’m going to be such a good parent someday.

If it were her real body, I might agree with you.

Yup, this page starts off with some news about someone who is talented and has made a lot of endearing music which will stand the test of time and then becomes a cesspool of Kardashian, Trump, et al. Give her the dignity of her own page/post.

We are cat sitting for a friend this week. She adopted a cat from the shelter about a month ago, and she’s still skitters. Tansy will barely let me look at her, but she let my daughter pet her and snuggle. I might have a little cat whisperer.

Every bf I have had has ghosted me for no reason. The beauty of it was, they all would come crawling back after a few months and I have never taken them back. So satisfying.

Oh my!

Dr. Facelift and Dr. Botox.

I’m going to at least start with a happy one, because it makes me smile.

My brother worked in the show at Medieval Times (Buena Park, CA) and was the DJ at the “Knight Club” after the show. This is around 1988. Wil Wheaton and posse come in and try to take over the place like real celebrities. Wil and crew let everyone know who he was (The Next Generation was in full swing and his voice

Not a bad story, but an awesome one, i was waiting at LAX with my wife and my two girls, and our flight to Houston had been delayed, it was then i noticed the “Fonz” Henry Winkler sitting just a few seats away from us, whispered to my wife he was there, she wanted to go say hello i told her leave him be no one is

I vote for a Best Obviously Planned Celebrity Response:

So you’re saying that Steven Tyler does in fact walk this way AND talk this way? That’s incredibly reaffirming.

UGH, just yesterday she was a hanger-on at a hearing yapping against SB277. It passed, so suck on that, you privileged brat.

I saw Kristen Johnston at a comedy show and there was a chance to mingle after the set. As a fellow tall woman, I was excited to chat about her experiences since much of her set was devoted to her large stature. After encouragement from a friend (and wine) I went up to her and stuttered, “Growing up you were my role