
Haha, you would have been picked off for weakness in times before these. Thank your lucky stars.

My dog never wanted to leave my side when she was alive. She wanted to be wherever I was— whether it was at home, bathroom, work or CVS (shudder). The world is full of unpleasant things that I would rather not be around (like cologne and perfume) but I would never tell someone wearing perfume to stay home because it

That person that complains about a cute video because of someones allergies.

Really? I mean really. You had to be THAT person?

Yo, bro!

Yeeeeeesssss!! He looks like he's an asshole AND he's dumb. Ugly eyes. I really can't stand him. Did you ever hear what Tina Fey said about him hosting SNL? Very funny.

I've hated him for 20 years! Glad to see I've been right, not glad to hear about the shitty canned hunt. Fucking ugly prick.

... Did Raven just say that the First Lady looks like an ape?!

I've read - and so far haven't been able to confirm - that McConaughey has canned hunts at his "ranch" in Texas.

Didn't TR once say, "I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both."?

She was also the best of the presidential family paper dolls series. I mean, check out the look on this bad bitch's face!

I'm a historian by trade. I have a very weird relationship with historical figures.

I tried to find a close up of the shoes, but actually found something way better:

over-33 women = given up all hope of motherhood, just desperate to not die alone and be eaten by cats???

It doesn't type out "th" sounds though.

Ah, the romance and craftsmanship of a fine Irish typewriter. 'Twill make your office memos sound like Yeats.

Typewriters? I'm totally in now.

I am heading to GoodWill now to buy a shitty old doll, run over it two or three times with my car, and then post it to ebay. I NEED MONEY AND I'M READY TO START SCAMMIN' FOR IT

Can we make an effort to insert a "fuck you Andrew Wakefield" line into every discussion about this so people know the name of the person who kicked this bull shit off by falsifying a medical study and selling his soul and the lives of thousands of children for the chance to line his pockets?