
How can you not love those faces???

A Catholic wedding? We are not. Neither of us is religious, and we're not going to go through the motions. The wedding will be outside anyway, so that makes a Catholic wedding impossible anyway.

We actually did have a bit of an audience (since he proposed on a pretty popular hiking spot). Handed a stranger a camera like 10 seconds beforehand and asked her to photograph the whole thing (she perfectly captured my "wtf" face when I first saw the ring). And then we got some applause and tears from onlookers. It

They aren't hating it because a man did it... read the comments. Most of them are talking about the thing their man did that they loved.

They're hating it because it rubs them the wrong way. That is exactly as uncomplicated as it sounds.

i think you've expressed exactly why the progress of feminism continues to be hindered. For some reason, women being controlled and subjugated has been romanticized to mean that they are desired and valued. The faux begging for the hand, when everyone knows they're dying for that ring and the security it symbolizes

'Hey, he's a functioning adult.' Next he'll get points for breathing.

Excellent! I love it when your S.O.s get who you actually are rather than what they think will be fun for you because that's what they would want.

Yasssss! Death the the Grand Gesture (GG). I wrote this earlier about video proposals, and it definitely applies to this ridiculousness.

"You could have reserved a hall, done something, but no, you were to busy jacking off with your white board for an entire goddamn year." "Yeah, well you were to busy drooling in your goddamn 'sleep'. Call it what it is, you have a drinking problem." "Fuck you, Ted." "Fuck you, Olivia."

Dear middle-class white people,

it's NOT just me that hates it??

proposals like this really make me long for a simple pregnancy scare.

Will you marry me? You'll be the perfect addition to my suit made of women-skins.

This. I think he was thinking more about making something "viral" and dreaming about all the likes and "OMG! So cute!!11!!<3" replies he was going to get than he was thinking about the actual woman.

I watched it, thinking it may be cute, and my takeaway? His face went from decently attractive to weird and punchable. It reminded me of when you say a word so much it sounds like nonsense? Except with punching.

Why couldn't he just take a picture with each day's newspaper, like the serial killer stalker abductor that he is?


While really terrible and jerky, his thoughts on women are a Fraiser-Crane-like way of saying that normal, well adjusted girls from regular families frighten him, and that he is more comfortable with women who've had similar bad life experiences like his own. The sentiment is understandable but presented in going for

Y'know, I train and wrangle animals for commercials and film and I will say that their job— and mine— is a hell of a lot harder than an actor's.