
Is it my screen or does Reese have the faintest hint of a Ronald Colman moustache?

Why was this never presented as a career opportunity in school?

Oh god yeah! Why did nature give human babies such annoying cries? They'd get much better results if they mewed.

Yes! Baby pictures preferably.

Dancing 'Dris!

Lying is hard!

Carry pepper spray and use it liberally. That should sort them out!

"son of a bitch" I see what you did there!

Can someone please explain to a confused Brit why American police do various complicated roadside sobriety tests instead of just breathalyzing the driver?

Well, fair enough you didn't know, I mean, it's not like she tells anybody about it!

Thanks for the link, but my inner (and outer) pedant requires me to point out that the Humphries extravaganza was her second wedding. And this is her third - she's racking them up!

Oh that's fabulous!!

I hope Grandma was smiling from beyond - "Yeah bitches! See what the lunches are like without me?!" Bless her.

Well, GP was once engaged to Brad Pitt, so maybe it's a piece of World War Z memorabilia.

Hey, all my grandparents are dead now!

"woman are drawn to guys who produce the best music"

You got that right!

And just using the tip of the tongue is another method.

Well he does ...