
I’ve wondered this for quite a while, since reading it in the book. If Jon’s dead and Sam’s gone to Oldtown, then who will be our narrative “eyes” on the wall? It’s probably the most important place to be looking and now we can’t see anything(I mean, I guess Bran’s up there and there’s always the hide and seek champ,

A lot of people suffer repeated violence which harms them more than rape.

Just out of curiosity, can the pursuing ghost-whatever board planes and such? Can it walk underwater? Why not just take a trip overseas?

It Follows begins on a quiet suburban street, the last place you'd expect to encounter white-hot terror.

There's a lot to like about SC4, but SC2 still *feels* better to me. I don't know if it's the controller, something about the speed/timing of the game, or just that I've put less time into SC4, but I just feel less in control and resort to more button-mashing. Maybe one of these days I'll pony up the $20 for Soul

So true! I've spent quite a bit of time with SC2 on GC. Then I went to SC3 and 4 on PS2 and PS3 and I still miss the GC button layout. You can use the shoulder buttons for the combos that you can't physically do on the DualShock, but it's not the same.

Yeah, calm down. Did I say that they didn't deserve to have a toy because they don't have powers? No. I said kids would gravitate towards characters with powers. The female characters in the movie/tv universe don't have powers, and don't grab the imagination like others. Hence my nieces and plenty of other kids I

I got a set of from Kickstarter and they made the Apple earpods much better. The sound is improved and more importantly, they add just enough friction to make them not fall out of my ears.

Not sure why GLaDOS didn't make the cut..

Trouble indeed. I wonder what the non-Andrea Romano version of this list would look like. It probably would a lot more GlaDOS in it.

Yes, it is about perspective. The biggest factor in whether or not a sufferer of mental illness can be called a victim of it or not is the amount of anguish they feel over what is happening. Buffalo Bill, like most sociopaths doesn't feel bad about any of it. Sociopaths and psychopaths may be considered mentally ill,

Really? Because I felt terrible for her. Yes, I also felt bad for the people she was terrorizing, but when you see it from her perspective it's absolutely tragic.

I was not expecting her to be this rich kid etc. It was brilliant!

Yeh, that's my problem too. I loved her, and didn't want to dislike her. But her condition made it really hard for me.

It broke my heart! I love her, I really didn't want her to be like that ! :(

It was an amazing episode. My second would be Poussey's backstory, though not as dramatic, was still unexpected to me.

She claimed Boston but seemed Jersey in flashbacks so guess just another part of her lie to everyone.

She's from Jersey, I think? Or New York? That ain't a Boston accent. :)

Great choice. I also liked how the episode was set up so you think that she went to prison for mail fraud, but then, no, it was for trying to blow up Christopher's gf.

That was a fantastic episode. Really unsettling.