
I actually really enjoyed this game, and thought it was unfair that it got shit on as much as it did.

I second the Wun Wun point and add that they should have built him some kind of armor, even if was only a thick wooden plank strapped to his torso. (Not realistic, but imagine him in the Mountain’s current armor.) That and a huge weapon would have made him unstoppable.

Apparently he did not.

I loved D2 on Dreamcast. I was 12, though, so besides the snow and battle system, I don’t remember shit.

As a nuWho fan, I think the key to Peter Capaldi’s swagger (ugh) as the Doctor is his age and experience. I love all the Doctors I’ve seen, but he’s the only one to seem completely comfortable and non-self-conscious in the role. You can see it in every picture in this post.

I swear I’ve heard this before. Maybe just my imagination.

There are a lot of reasons, but one in particular is the large amount of iconic characters and props that have made Star Wars a mainstay in pop culture.

Since I’ve seen him in GOT, I’ve thought Iain Glen would make the perfect Roland. That said, Idris Elba would kick some serious ass in that role.

I hate the “free-for-all” way bars work. I remember going to some bar once that had the wait station, then another station beside it for a line of customers not actually seated at the bar. Worked like a charm.

I was super tense when Meg tossed that grenade into the bus. The whole time she was walking away, I was holding my breath, waiting for the boom. Then it cut away, and I spent the next ten minutes wondering if she really just killed a bunch of kids.

I don’t really get the outrage about this character. Was there some huge pressure for Nintendo to turn Link into a female before this, then Tinkle happened and it wasn’t enough?

I’ve got 2 more main story missions in MGS V that I need to beat before Fallout 4 comes out. Shouldn’t be an issue.

I haven’t looked through all the comments, but I know I can’t be the first to say that I’m shocked Eternal Darkness isn’t on this list.

It’s a damn shame you’re hating on TR. It was a fantastic, gorgeous game. I suggest you give it a shot before shitting on it.

I prefer the 0.5, but yeah, Pilot G2 all the way. There are at least 3 in my immediate vicinity right now.

I prefer the 0.5, but yeah, Pilot G2 all the way. There are at least 3 in my immediate vicinity right now.

Signatures of authors and entertainers that I enjoy. I know it’s silly, but signatures make me feel a little closer to people I admire/respect. Many of them have been obtained personally, and some were purchased. Here are a few of my favorites:

I’m with you. That episode blew my mind.

My wife and I have the same allowance situation, Rob. We each get a certain amount of cash per week, and neither of us could care less what the other spends it on. She want’s a $70 massage? Go for it. I want a $25 bottle of bourbon barrel aged stout or a $60 video game. No problem.

While I’m not as annoyed as you and a lot of other people, I do agree that it’s kind of a dumb reason for giant, mostly exposed breasts. It’s a cool concept (the skin-breathing), but they could have easily given her smaller breasts and something more like a sports bra/athletic top to make it work.

Regardless of which side of the argument you fall on, these commenters (and commenters on thousands of other videos) make the gaming/game-watching community look terrible.