
That was my first thought.

Couldn't agree more. There are a lot of close contenders for cartoons, but I've loved South Park throughout its entire run. There are occasional episodes that don't hit high notes, but there's never been a slump in the series.

Yeah, I have SC 4, but I've never enjoyed it as much as I did the second one, due mostly to the controls. I've never played another game where the controller made such a difference. Usually I don't have much of a system preference.

I love the layout of B,A,X, and Y on the Gamecube. I never realized how great it was until I tried playing Soul Calibur 2 on a different system, and couldn't do a damn thing.

Heroes Aren't Hard To Find in Charlotte NC is hosting a signing with the writer, artist, and colorist of Spider Gwen on Feb. 28th, and are pre-selling signed issues for a good price. Pretty cool. Just bought one (I'm a sucker for signed shit).

Completely agree. Soul Reaver ranks among my favorite video game memories from my teenage years. I've been wanting a new one for so long.

That Goldeneye watch face is the awesomest/nerdiest thing I've ever seen.

The whole time I read this, I was thinking, Isn't this Indigo Prophecy? Then, after wondering if I was nuts, I went to the top and read the 1st sentence.

Is that the Soup Nazi? And Frank Costanza with a Festivus pole behind him? WHERE CAN I BUY THESE?

Sirens of Titan

Hopefully Spidey can finally get the quality screentime he deserves. Easily my favorite superhero, but none of the movies match the quality of other superhero films.

I LOVE Archer, but my pick has to go to Austin Powers. I don't think there are any comedies of any genre out there with so many hilarious quotables and memorable moments.

Not sure if you're a regular reader, but when I read in bed before going to sleep, it only takes about 5 pages before my eyes start getting heavy. Might help you get sleepy.

Not sure if you're a regular reader, but when I read in bed before going to sleep, it only takes about 5 pages

I see Master Chief.

I think I may have just found my next show.

I'm most productive in my professional life at my work office. My computer is set up with all the programs I need, the passwords, files, etc. Every once in a while (like yesterday) I have to do some work at home, and I feel like such a clumsy bastard doing the exact projects from my home computer.

You make all valid points. I think BitchMeToo should win an award for the most confusingly hostile response ever.

I LOVE looking at terrible tattoos. FailBlog.Cheezburger has an Ugly Tattoo section that is an excellent way to waste time. Once you start, it's so hard to pull yourself away.

God I feel like such a nerd posting this, but so be it. When I was 16, I friggin' loved this show. I realize this was a real game, too (which I played...and loved), but the show's version, with the monsters actually forming in front of the players, would be so badass in real life.

That's really cool. Might have to check them out.