
Not at ALL!!! That episode of Lost was great! Nikki and Paulo... total departure from the series norm and a twisted little tale of characters we had only ever seen mingling in the background. Love that they put a story to a couple of the people we never got to know!

There's this shop near my house that makes the BEST shrimp poboys and they ONLY accept cash. It's the only reason I go to the ATM.

I ask my friends this one all the time:

1. Would you drive across town to buy a car for $24,900 when it you can get it right by your house for $25,000? Answer is generally always no.

2. Would you drive across town to buy a used iPad for $100 when you can get it right by your house for $200? Answer is generally always

I remember my girlfriend walking in the room after I did it.
I told her what I had done and she just looked at me for a moment and said something to the effect of
"Well congratulations on being the man who killed hope."

The only good thing to come out of that was Scarlet Spider's costume. I will forever stand by that.

The entire settlement of Megaton.


The acting is pretty great. It's fast-paced and fun with some genuine creepiness and a sense that it's totally okay to laugh at the over-the-top creepiness or weirdness.

One of the major plots last season featured Zombie George Washington. (Yes, the characters actually call him that, and it's in the ep description so not really a spoiler.). If you can get on board with the idea of that, you're all set.

They can handle more data the 1D codes and, as someone else on this thread mentioned, they are excellent for inventory and identification. The medical industry is moving toward them in a big way. They are not a great replacement for an easy to spell URL to go to a website, but they are an awesome replacement for the

Well shoot, Kinja ate my expanded response.

I agree, I met him a NYComicCon during the first season of Fringe, he was really nice and he even chatted some. (I suspect he was bored since he wasn't well known yet).

It's ... not like any of the other shows out there? (That I watch, anyhow.) I mean, obvs it's not Mad Men or Girls or what-have-you, but it's also not like Supernatural or Grimm. It's very diverse, frequently hilarious, and not afraid to just go there - wherever "there" is. Which can be Purgatory or a bank where

John Noble is AMAZING! He's going to carry this show, at least for this season.

Can you get the first season? If so, dive in, the water's bat-shit crazy fine!

It's probably the fastest-paced drama on tv. They start and end plot threads in one or two weeks that other shows would take an entire season to unravel.

I thought this use of QR codes was pretty cool, myself. Page taken from Issue 2 of the Bee and Puppycat comic.

I think QR codes are pretty cool, i actually do scan them from time to time. Also i have found that they are the fastest way of copying an interesting URL from my PC to my phone for later use.

I love the look of the card catalogue (the cabinet, that is). But I'm forever grateful it was just about obsolete when I got my library science degree. Once an older gentlemen came up to the university library reference desk I was working at, bemoaning that the card catalogue was "mankind's greatest invention". All I