
So true.

I wish this country had a way for popular vote to change certain laws. I could almost guarantee that the majority of citizens would vote to ban guns. Politics is the only reason we’re stuck with the current status quo.

*Walks into Senate with dried leaf. *

An added tip:

My vote for Roland casting:

This sounds like a perfect candidate for a RiffTrax. Then I’d have an excuse to watch it.

Just started the plunge into Infinite Jest a week or so ago. I’m about 100 pages in, and I’m amazed at Foster’s writing. The man had a serious imagination when it came to prose and sentence/chapter structure.

I came here to post this. With emulators and digital re-releases, I don’t know if I’ll ever boot it up again, but it’s coming to the grave with me.

I came here expecting to bitterly defend LOST... but I just don’t have the energy anymore.

Fringe???? NOOOOOO!!!!

Yeah, I watched 1 episode of the new cast and dropped it. And I friggin’ loved that show.

If your answer doesn’t have peanut butter in it, you’re wrong. Unless you have peanut allergies – then you get a pass.

I barely remember the movie as a whole, but I remember those few seconds perfectly. Love that scene.

I’ve never read it, but I already classify it in my mind as a classic. I even think Barnes and Noble has one of those faux-leatherbound classics editions of it.

Let’s hope so.

I’m kinda surprised that everyone has been hating on Leto’s Joker. I’m not a DC fanboy, so maybe those with more love for the characters are more qualified to give their opinion, but I liked the 5 seconds of footage we got.

This list is pretty spot-on, but I think you missed a huge one: LOST.

One of the best (if not THE best) combination of fantastic cosplay and photography.

Thanks for the link. Here I was thinking he’d come out and tell everyone he was coming back next season.

Yeah, but popular opinion among fans is that he won’t stay that way. Maybe it’s just desperate, wishful hoping.