
True, which makes my comment very unlikely. I’m hoping for the Azor Ahai theory to pan out.

Yeah, he’s not at the Wall in the books. And assuming that a moment as impactful as Jon’s death and possible revival would be the same in both mediums, chances are Davos isn’t meant to replace Jon as the viewpoint character at the Wall.

I’d love to see Davos step up as a main character, but I hope he doesn’t replace Jon as our character on the wall. I hope he joins him.

Agreed. I’m hoping for the Azor Ahai theory to be the answer.

Davos could step up as the protagonist at the wall. He’s a viewpoint character in the books, and has plenty of potential to rise up to be a more central character.

I don’t know why people see a scene like the one with Shireen and go crazy, as if it’s just “too much.”

I have no idea if he has the acting ability to pull it off, but physically, Brock Lesnar is a perfect match for Venom/Eddie Brock. He even has “Brock” in his name.

They definitely do, but I think the reason rape is considered especially cruel is because it is so biased towards women. Most other terrible acts affect both sexes equally, but rape is (mostly) one-sided.

Disclaimer: I am neither defending nor condemning GoT or ASoIaF.

Kohls is the absolute worst with their pricing bullshit. Every single item is WAY overpriced, but is ALWAYS on sale, in an attempt to trick the customer into thinking they’re getting an $80 shirt for only $25. And they drive it home by having the cashiers circle and announce the amount saved on the receipt. Don’t get

It’s sad, but there’s no stopping this kind of automation. It’s only a matter of time before the only jobs available involve fixing the machines that took all the jobs, a la Player Piano by Vonnegut.

I’m actually happy to hear that it’s probably ending. I love POI, and I’d much rather it have a proper, pre-planned ending than to have it die suddenly because of ratings or something. This situation reminds me very much of how Fringe ended. They were given a short last season to wrap up the story. I know that the POI

I still have this laying around somewhere. (I’ve kept FF strategy guides under the assumption that one day I’ll flip through them and have fond memories of bosses and quests I’ve forgotten about. I never have.)

AMEN! My wife worries about stuff like this, and I could not care less about it. Our rare “arguments” (disagreements, really) are almost always related to health/food/studies.

In Southeastern Massachusetts, running through the town of Bridgewater and some others, is a 200-square-mile area known as the "Bridgewater Triangle." People claim all sorts of paranormal activity from ghosts to Bigfoot have been seen there. I'm not the superstitious type, and I've been in the area plenty and have

I remember there was a Fear Factor episode where the contestants had to eat these guys. One of the few things on that show I don't think I could ever bring myself to do. One of the contestants eventually realized that the best way to do it was to grab them by their pedipalp (word I just learned here) and eat them from

Not sure if I'm in the minority here, but I've always thought the alien from the original was kind of awkward looking. Its stance just looks like a bored guy waiting for the bus. I prefer the hunched, animalistic version in the other films.


Person of Interest VS Orphan Black in the first round? That decision hurts so much.

I know this article focuses on games, but the same applies to the music industry.