Russell Bell

I think it has to change because frat/sorority culture is all about superiority and sex. The “best houses” are the best because the girls are hot and the hot frats want to hang out with them. For one thing, if we’re just talking about this video, each of these girls is so much more than their blonde hair, fake tans

People are going to go apeshit when she awards a first down for advancing 7.8 yards.

Agreed. Everytime I see Jean Ralphio on screen I hope he's about to die in a fire. Annoying and grating can be funny (see Scott, Michael), but Ralphio is just overkill and doesn't really add much to the show, IMO.

Yes, I agree, that entertainment offering clearly sucked, judging by the way everyone consumed it obsessively. This opinion is sound and good.

I hope Rolling Stone doesn't apologize to any fraternity including the one mentioned in the original article. Fuck them.

Bradley: I had this same situation. you now have a live in girlfriend. she wants to keep it casual huh? try bringing a date home in the next few weeks. see how casual she is about that.

Would it make sense to take a look at how many standard deviations a player is from the mean (among players above a certain threshold of passes)? It seems like that would be a more accurate assessment of success relative to peers.

Portraying football as a profit-making entertainment business might not gel so well with their non-profit, tax-exempt status.

Yeah and most of the world is full of stupid poor uneducated people, like you, who don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.

"SAT night?"

Did you spend your whole time in Pacific Beach? That's like saying everyone in New York is a hipster.

Being an SD sports fan, I was hoping I'd be able to refute most of this article. Disappointingly, I can't.

I moved to Southern California 12 years ago from back East. After this many years, the constantly nice weather still has a mood-enhancing quality that makes it almost impossible to feel stress. It's like being on vacation every weekend.

* Using a credit/debit card at a convenience store for purchases less than $10.

When reached for comment, Donald Sterling maintained his bigoted stance, saying that he "Doesn't care about the opinions of cripples"

Only half?

If you call a bunch of rival fans pussies then get the shit beat out of you you shouldn't be surprised.

God bless her. My wife's reaction to 27 failed attempts is normally far, far different.

If Sterling wins the antitrust suit, Ballmer will not be allowed to bundle the Clippers with Internet Explorer.

Oh Tim, you're so naive. The Cavs, LeBron's former team, got the 1st pick. The Heat, Lebron's current team, got the 26th pick. 1-26? Do I have to spell it out for you? It's the number of letters in the alphabet. Now, let's break down that word, "alphabet." Al, a popular name. Pha, a phonetic spelling of a